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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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Does your school start early or do you just wake up that early just because you feel like it?

@Pickles group

my school starts at 7:30 but they let us roam around at 7:15 and my bus comes a little after 6:30. plus my mom wakes me up and that's when she gets up

Deleted user

I usually wake up at 7 and school starts at 8


Does anyone of you happen to know what the frick I am gonna do if none of my two different devices from two different brands (samsung phone and apple ipad) doesn't connect to the wifi and it says that there is no connection but it works for everyone else on the wifi?

¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯ I got nothing, sorry


8:40 for me lol
But next year my school is going to start at 8:15 and I'm gonna have to Adjust


Because of this!

If you only have a name, you don't have an @. If you have a username as well, you do have an @!
You can find this in MY ACCOUNT » Settings


95 billion nerve cells
They’re all ringing like little bells
The point from where all my problems stem
Some people get on all of them

Deleted user

skeet skeet

buddy, my man.
that does not mean what you think it does.
do yourself a favor and look up skeet in urban dictionary. skrrt is a better alternative