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Started by @Low_Mein

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It's that problem where you don't realize how much time you have. I decided, hey, I'm gonna be an activist, and hey, I like music, so hey, I'm gonna write songs about activism
I'm sure you had a lot of talents at my age! It doesn't have to be songwriting in specific to be talented.


okay well im trying to be positive so lollzzzzzzzz
(my generation is basically just a bunch of random stuff with a dash of anger and not giving a single crap. Like seriously our generation would be the best warriors because WE HAVE NO FEAR OF DEATH)


How did things change so much so fast… although, I have a sister who's twelve, and that sounds about right. Ya'll young'uns got no respect. (No offense or anything tho)


Because then there would be too many amazing songs around, and people would sit around debating which songs they wanted to listen to instead of accomplishing things. This way, there's only one Loops songs that we'll all be listening to.


Eh. I have less than 48 hours to finish a huge project for school on Monday, and I haven't done anything on it for over a week. Besides that, I've gotten insanely behind on a bunch of other school, and instead of working on that I'm on here. Still procrastinating.
Also, I'm learning I get really grumpy and sassy when I'm tired. Who knew?

Deleted user

Well my day is going fine, thank you. I just came back from a run and I have been working in the garden for a while before that so I have been productive and healthy lol

(Sorry to hear that, Brenna. I wish you all luck with catching up on the work.)


Well my day is going fine, thank you. I just came back from a run and I have been working in the garden for a while before that so I have been productive and healthy lol

(Sorry to hear that, Brenna. I wish you all luck with catching up on the work.)

Sounds refreshing!

Deleted user

Well my day is going fine, thank you. I just came back from a run and I have been working in the garden for a while before that so I have been productive and healthy lol

(Sorry to hear that, Brenna. I wish you all luck with catching up on the work.)

Sounds refreshing!

Totally. Now imma go watch a movie with my family so that’s gonna be fun too. What are you guys doing?


I just finished my volunteering shift at an interactive history park - perhaps some of you have heard of Conner Prairie? I work mainly in the Civil War field hospital, and I walk people through amputation and bullet removal, and any other little niches of the medical aspects of the civil war. I also have a love for artillery, so my friend Ethan showed me how to load and fire rifles.