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Started by @Low_Mein

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Hello, Alex! I know we've already talked a bit but I don't think we've ever actually introduced ourselves lol. I'm Ravens! <3


Welcome to my discussion, Shuri and Alex! Thanks for introducing yourselves. I'm Logan, or you can call me Spork. Well my day's going fine for just waking up at five lol. Haven't gotten through too much yet. But hopefully the rest of the day will prove to be pretty good for myself and you all. :)

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Well I hope your day turns out good. I’m at ”work” (we are having ’practical work experience’ right now at my school, meaning we get ourselves a real job and work there for two weeks instead of going to school) right now. What time is it where you guys live? Here in Sweden it’s 11:25 AM…


Oh sick lmao. Good luck! Right now it is 9:44 AM, but you posted that 4 hours ago lol. I live in Florida, US


That 'practical work experience' thing sounds so cool. Instead, we have standardized testing…but at least it's all over with now! we just had our last test today.
Also, it's super cool you live in sweden! I live in Indiana, US.

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I don’t know if Sweden is that cool but thanks! Just curious… what is the first thing you guys think about when you hear Sweden? Just wanna know what people think of us…

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Thanks, if that was meant for me… wasn’t sure…


I don’t know if Sweden is that cool but thanks! Just curious… what is the first thing you guys think about when you hear Sweden? Just wanna know what people think of us…

This is a litte stereotypical, but the color light blue, those painted horses, and sometimes a snowy cabin. Mostly the blue though. there's a swedish cafe near where I live and it's covered in those things.

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What do you think of first when someone mentions america? (lol)

Oh, well, ahem, I hope I don’t offend anyone right now…

So obviously the american flag, and then maybe… hamburgers? Also the 4th of July and then those kind of streets that are always in american movies… I have no good way to describe them but streets in Sweden doesn’t really look the same so I guess I just think of that. Oh, and fries.

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I realise now that the street thing sounded a bit weird but oh well


All of those are pretty accurate, actually. In social studies we were talking about stereotypes for each country, and when we got to america it was all:
-american flag
-eagle noise
-pledge of alligence (do you have something similar? this is when schoolchildren sing about how great america is every morning)
-fourth of july

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Wait, you do that every morning? Sorry, but that’s kinda weird to me… we never do that except maybe on our national day and then it’s like once if you go to an arranged celebration and other than that never. We have a national anthem, of course, but we almost never sing it…


I think it's weird too. At the start of every school day, kids stand up, put their hands over their hearts and recite:
We pledge alligence
To the flag
Of the united states of america
And to the republic
For which it stands
One nation
Under god
With libery, and justice,
For all.

Then we 'remain standing for a moment of silence' (idk what for) and then we sit down and continue with the day.

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Oh, okay. Well, my favorite rumour about Sweden is that even our extroverts are introverts… sometimes it almost feels like it’s true

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Have you heard any rumours about Sweden haha?

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I guess that’s true… hey, do you guys have a dress code in school?