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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers


oooooooh dear I'm sorry
One of the couples is gay and one of the guys in it is in my study hall and he sits next to me and
He was taking notes on a book about coming out because his parents are homophobic and he's not out to anyone except his crush and me


It's okay don't worry lol. And cool! It's nice to know that that gay guy can stand up for himself and tell his parents, assuming he carries out the action. Also, I don't know why but I'm a serious homophobe.


ah okay
I rly don't want to shove 'aCcEpT tHe gAyS' into your face because I really hate when people shove their opinions in my face without listening to me but like…you seem at least accepting of them as people and that's good :)


I still think you're a good person

Thank you! I appreciate you not criticizing me :D. While I am kinda against the LGBTQ+ stuff, I mean no offense and if you wanna be gay or non binary or anything, I don't mind at all.


Of course! While I do think it is perfectly fine and important to be/accept the gays, you seem like a good person and you totally went with the flow when I was talking about my friends. :)


Sweeet. I'm not like suuuuper against gays or anything, it's kinda just my experience with people like that have been a little weird and it's not in my taste at all. Thanks


My friends are very confused about why do I not only accept LGBTQ+, but I put them in my stories and try to understand them. I can never seem to find the right words to say, do you guys have any ideas?


…because they're people?

I agree. No matter how they choose to live they're still people and shouldn't really be outcasted, so yeah.