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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers


Freaking, I have haphephobia (fear of touch) and there is a boy in my video production class that refuses to respect my boundaries. He knows I have that, and I have anxiety, claustrophobia, and sensory overloads, but he just says that I'm faking it. This last week, I had a really bad overload which caused a minor anxiety attack and I was walking in the overcrowded hallways, so, I was erked on every major level and felt like I was going to puke, but I usually push past it. Well, we got with our groups (boy included) and I was whispering, and the two girls in my group understood and refrained from touching me and were whispering, which I really appreciated. The boy showed up and started like slinging his arms around my shoulders, yelling, and touching me a lot. Both of the girls told him to stop, but he didn't. I'm just glad that it's editing week and I don't have to be near him. Sorry for the vent.


Jesus Christ tell me where he is I want to beat the shit out of him
That's horrible
Please punch him in the nose

This is a similar situation to those kids who bullied this girl whos previous school had a shooting, and the kids kept dropping textbooks on the ground and she would go into shock.

That and your story, stupid ass kids pushing horribleness way too far.

@Pickles group

This is a similar situation to those kids who bullied this girl whos previous school had a shooting, and the kids kept dropping textbooks on the ground and she would go into shock.

I…I have no words. What the actual fuck