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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers


I found a snakeskin today at work :) it was part of a bigger one but they took the larger piece inside the building for show

Deleted user

Say ur busy

I'm probably going to do that, then maybe leave the pm, forever

Deleted user

I'm going to do color guard too! This will be my first year, but I love color guard so much, I'm so excited as well!!!

@Pickles group

Sooo… Our hotel room door was open and the acs broken. The key doesn't work, either. My parents went to talk to the guy at the front desk so my sister and I are just chillin in the hall

@Pickles group

Shocking. They don't have any other rooms so now they gotta find us a new place cause we already paid. Poor guy at the front desk. He's clearly working here cause he thought he wouldn't have to do anything loll

@Pickles group

Whats something that happened to you a long(ish) time ago that makes you guys uncomfortable when you think about it again? I'm bored


ummmMmmmMmm probably the first time I drank root beer from a bottle and a 50-ish year old guy came over and said 'you're too young to be drinking beer' but just kept walking


Oooooh yeah I usually see them in the breakfast areas, that's strange that they don't have one. Although sometimes instead of a regular toaster they will have kind of like a toaster oven with a conveyor belt thing or something