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Started by @Low_Mein

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Ohmygods mood but Imma be a Sophomore XD I just don't trust myself to s c h o o l properly, no matter what grade.


I'm going to be a Junior with a Zero hour and 2 AP classes, one that needs a project done that I need to finish before I go to camp. I'm almost 16 and need to take my permit test (More like forced- I don't want to drive but my parents don't seem to understand that) I need to pack for camp and still get a backpack for school or else I'm carrying my stuff in a microwave. My friends (Like 3) Are all talking about how happy they are and comparing schedules that we got today and I have lunch with none of them. My cousin starts and will be going to the same high school with me and is asking me questions. My brother just left to go abroad in Paraguay for two years and my mom is packing up my sister for grad school and they leave for tomorrow and I have like 30 things to make for my mini business and nobody realizes the crap I am dealing with and if this is my life before school starts, I'm not excited to be a junior. Sorry to rant. I might post it on another forum but I needed to get it out. I might go cry.


Awwwww I'm so sorry, I've felt like that before and know how it is :( my PMs are always open if you need them!


My favorite scene in stranger things is season 1, episode 7, where they're discussing how much salt they need and nancy says "well where are they gonna get that much salt?" and they drive to the middle school

@Pickles group

What legally blonde taught me is that lawyers are pedophiles and you can win any case by taking advantage of this. And follow your ex boyfriend around and maybe you'll find a fiance and a new passion. I'm not sure that's what I was supposed to learn, but whatever.


Okay, I have missed A LOT, and pickles I agree, I also hate school with a passion. I'm a sophomore at Estero High now. Sorry for not being on notebook all summer lol. Jeez you guys type A LOT

@Pickles group

So I got my license so now I have to get a parking pass today but I get to drive home cause my parents are meeting at my sister's school for open house and my dad's taking my car so I have to walk down there after band but oh well it's not that far


So I got my license so now I have to get a parking pass today but I get to drive home cause my parents are meeting at my sister's school for open house and my dad's taking my car so I have to walk down there after band but oh well it's not that far

oof lol. Good luck! I have my permit, but haven't driven yet. Iḿ still only 15 tho…