forum Please, allow us to converse...
Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers




<3 <3




how've ya been?

Y'know pretty bad, but it'll work out :D


i just went to the state fair with my friend ryan and boy oh boy was it a roller coaster ride both literally and figuratively.




<3 <3




how've ya been?

Y'know pretty bad, but it'll work out :D

aw, i hope it does <3


nah we don't like each other lmao he just wanted to go because I had a spare ticket
I actually asked some of my other friends like will and angelina and owen first but they had stuff


Besides if some of ya'll saw what i posted on the crushes chat like,,,I never rly liked any of the ppl I dated I just liked touch yk




<3 <3




how've ya been?

Y'know pretty bad, but it'll work out :D

aw, i hope it does <3

Thanks so much and I wish you awesome luck in these trying times <3




<3 <3




how've ya been?

Y'know pretty bad, but it'll work out :D

aw, i hope it does <3

Thanks so much and I wish you awesome luck in these trying times <3

uh thanks




<3 <3




how've ya been?

Y'know pretty bad, but it'll work out :D

aw, i hope it does <3

Thanks so much and I wish you awesome luck in these trying times <3

uh thanks

uh no problem


Sorry but notebook is my only current source of real friends, so when not one of the ten discussions I'm in ever respond it kinda stinks