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Started by @Low_Mein

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Have you ever had… milksoup with lumps? I'm half Estonian and my mom wanted us to get to know our culture and eat Estonian food, aparently milksoup with lumps is something typical Estonian and let me tell you it is absolutely disgusting

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I've never heard of it too, but it sounds interesting. I'm not very picky so I would probably try it with little hesitation.
I have a cheese slicer and OMG THEY WORK SOO WELL!! I love them so much! My family never buys precut cheese, even before we bought/found our cheese slicer we still bought a block and cut slices with a knife.


A lot of fish, actually, and cooked vegetables, sometimes homemade hot dogs or hamburgers but often fast food from a restaurant.

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A typical Swedish dinner would probably be like meatballs with pasta or mashed potatoes…

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We eat a lot of vegetables too, but we usually don't cook them. They are more like a sallad…


Well my family really likes chicken breast and rice…which I don't like but ya know. Um a fancier at home supper would be like steak, corn, garlic bread and veggies, I guess like sausage and Pierogi's would be pretty normal for us as well.