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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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tbh I have no idea why. I only get cheerios, granola, and corn flakes. And I've never had a Pop Tart…
Have I failed at being an American?

@Pickles group

Yeah I know that but what are they?

They're….how do I explain this. It's like…kind of like a cookie but not really and it has fruit flavoring jelly like stuff in the middle and it has icing on top and you put it in the toaster

Deleted user

Lol I haven't even tasted applejacks nor fruit loops but why are there so many different kinds? In Sweden we have a bunch of different brands of course but they are all pretty much the same thing from different companies and we don't have that much flavored stuff or sugared or colored or anything like that…

@Pickles group

tbh I have no idea why. I only get cheerios, granola, and corn flakes. And I've never had a Pop Tart…
Have I failed at being an American?

Lol. We don't get sugary cereals except at my grandparents house. But how have you never had a pop tart???

@Pickles group

Lol I haven't even tasted applejacks nor fruit loops but why are there so many different kinds? In Sweden we have a bunch of different brands of course but they are all pretty much the same thing from different companies and we don't have that much flavored stuff or sugared or colored or anything like that…

Because they aren't all the same

Deleted user

Yeah I know that but what are they?

They're….how do I explain this. It's like…kind of like a cookie but not really and it has fruit flavoring jelly like stuff in the middle and it has icing on top and you put it in the toaster

Sorry but that seems so incredibly weird and not even that good tasting either. And how do you put icing in the toaster, doesn't it like melt?

@Pickles group

It's really thin and hard. I'm not sure it's really frosting at all. And they are delicious. But only the strawberry ones

Deleted user

Interesting… I feel like I have a lot of things to try if I ever go to America

Deleted user

tbh I have no idea why. I only get cheerios, granola, and corn flakes. And I've never had a Pop Tart…
Have I failed at being an American?

Lol. We don't get sugary cereals except at my grandparents house. But how have you never had a pop tart???

my parents… they are super healthy so they have never bought them. :(

@Pickles group

my mom gets them sometimes but they're always old and weird flavors. So I get them at stuff where they give you breakfast and I just eat a whole bunch lol

Deleted user

'Ello. In Sweden we celebrate this thing called 'Midsommarafton' (directly translated to… 'middle-of-summer evening' or possibly 'midsummer solstice'?). That would be tomorrow (or today for me). I just wondered… do ya'll over in America celebrate that? If not, is there any similar tradition? I'm curious.

Deleted user

Some people celebrate and others don't. I'm not sure what some people do but we call it the Summer Solstice, it just means that it is officially summer and not spring.

Deleted user

We celebrate it by.. um.. dancing around this kind of pole filled with flowers and leaves? Is that any similar to how you celebrate it lol

Deleted user

Also we eat a bunch of herring, potatoes and sour cream, along with strawberries for desert. We drink shots/snaps (not the underaged of course) and then we sing weird songs basicly. Many people also celebrate with picnics.

Deleted user

Not at all lol, but that sounds like a lot of fun!! I honestly wish we did that! I'm not sure how some people celebrate it, because people don't really celebrate it sadly.

Deleted user

I think there are traditional Swedish celebrations on some places in America too… I know there is one in Battery Park in NY at least

Deleted user

Sadly, I live on the other side of the country and in a pretty small town where nothing of the sort exists, but there probably are in many places.


My friends have literally joked that if anyone fired a missile at Indiana our economy would run low because we would be on a shortage of corn.