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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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I'm pretty good! I get to see my grandparents in a few hours.
What about you?

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…I was looking myself in the mirror and saw a muscle so I thought "damn that's one fine muscle I have there" and then I moved my leg and realised it was only a shadow


Today is technically my last day of school but we arent really going to be doing anything in classes I only came because there is a school mass thing and my religion teacher docks marks if you don't go (I'm personally not really religious but I go to a catholic school)


I was tired af from staying up, right? So at like 7 am my parents tell me (im still in bed) that they're going to bike with my brother about half a mile down the island to get donuts. im like yeah, thats cool. so they leave, and about half an hour later I wake up, have breakfast, spend some time online, and then check the time. it was two hours since they left.
so I panic right, and call them, it turns out they biked themselves hALfWaY aCroSs tHe iSLaNd and then now they're coming back so like ???????

@Pickles group

If you're wondering just how weird America is, I'm in the mountains and there was a house that painted a side of their roof like an American flag so as you drove towards it you just thought it was a flag until you passed it and realized it's a house


Yeah that happens sometimes
People sometimes carry American flags like gays wear the gay flags
no offense to y’all I do that too

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Lol I have never in my life seen a Swede carry our flag like that

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Oh wait I actually saw a dude wear a t-shirt that was the Swedish flag once at Stockholm Marathon


I'm seeing how long I can function without any sleep since I'm a walking bad idea. The goal is anywhere from 72-96 hours.


Yes, I am well aware of this and I know all the side effects and what will happen to my body. I'm a walking bad idea, though, so here we go.