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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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it's terrible I know and the audio sucks so here's the lyrics

If you knew what would happen
If you knew what we would be
If you knew about the pain and all the glee
Would you do it again?

Would you change the way you acted?
Would you rephrase what you said?
Would you stay here if you knew what was ahead?
Would you stop and make it end?

I know I wouldn't
I'd do it all again
Although I shouldn't
I'd let you hold the pen

And write a world for you and me
A world where only we could be
And maybe I shouldn't
But I'd do it all again

We were just strangers
We met and it went too far
Thought we could make it
In the end we just fell apart
We can't re-do what has been done
Not now that all our trust is gone
And maybe I shouldn't
But I'd do it all again…
Yeah I'd do it all again


Your voice is beautiful! Love the lyrics too it's amazing! Theres something about your voice that's so enchanting (in the best way possible)

Deleted user

A lot of people on this site have said that they like my voice and I don't know why…?


I've never actually sang for anyone on here, lol. Only Trix, Amber, and Soup have ever heard me speak though.

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Lol I sing way too much. I sing along to like every single song on the radio in the car and I'm always walking around humming songs. When I wake up, I always have a song stuck in my head before my brain has even started to work properly.

Deleted user

We have some kind of smaller thunderstorm over here… The power is out in parts of my area. So now mom won't let me charge my phone or use my keyboard in case lightning strikes the electric net.


same though for singing
like, I don't sing in front of people much unless they want to hear me but good god I know I can sing. But I alwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys have a song in my head and am most always listening to music (lisztomania) and I also write music so ye

Deleted user

same though for singing
like, I don't sing in front of people much unless they want to hear me but good god I know I can sing. But I alwayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys have a song in my head and am most always listening to music (lisztomania) and I also write music so ye

I have stage-fear but recording things are fine… my good recorder was on my school ipad which I had to turn in so now I'll have to stick with my sucky phone recorder ugh. My friend always tries to make me sing in front of our class and she wants me to perform in front of our entire school at graduation next year and I want to but I know that it sounds shit if I'm nervous and I would be hella nervous so yeah

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So… today I did one of the most Swedish things one can do. I was at IKEA. And it was living hell filled with furniture. That was all I had to say.

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My mom made me go with her, my grandma and my brother, and they stopped and looked at EVERYTHING. Even things that we didn't even need.

@Pickles group

It was so fun when I was little cause I liked the meatballs and pasta and there was stuff to touch and jump on but we don't eat there anymore and I can't touch all the stuff

Deleted user

Hey… are the products still named in Swedish for you guys in the US?