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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers

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I know, that's why it's funny

I have three best friends, and we use to give each christmas gifts before school ends around christmas each year. But last year one of them forgot to bring gifts for us and then we all kinda just forgot about it until now. So she remembered that she should give them to us today, even though it was a bit late. So yeah, she brought them today, wrapped in christmas paper and all. I got sourcream and my other friend got olives, it's an inside joke lol cause I love sourcream but my friend hates olives

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I also passed the test in aikido today so I am now one grade/degree/belt higher

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I only started aikido about half a year ago or so, so this was my first test. I am now in 6th kyu.

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I am definetly stealing that way of using the smiley


I was telling my friend the story about trent's nicknames for us, especially back when he still liked me
He would call you algae
And he would call me Unicorn Of The Sea
and she was rolling on the floor for around ten minutes dying of laughter