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Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 56 followers


Mmmm there's a lott…
Series: Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Testing, Lunar Chronicles, Renegades, Throne of Glass, ACOTAR, Divergent, Eragon, Land of Stories, ahh the list goes on.
Books: Salt to the Sea, anything by John Green, House on Mango Street, I can't think of too many more right now but there's a lot.

Deleted user

I'm more into pop and kpop

I don’t know why but that tiny kpop has me laughing really hard for some reason

@Pickles group

I'm just got The Raven Boys and I've heard a lot about it, do you know if it's good?

Am rlly late lol but I've been trying to read the raven boys on and off for like a year and have no motivation. I keep having to return it before I finish it. But I haven't heard anything bad about it also haven't looked but whatever

@Pickles group

My mom's been letting me bake and cook a lot all week and it's great. Im not good but what she doesn't know is that it helps my anxiety even though I literally have nothing to be anxious about rn and it's still a thing and idk why
awkward change of subject