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Started by @Low_Mein

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I am supposed to be doing a group project right now, but as you can see I am obviously not

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It’s going well, except for the thing that my crush is sitting behind me and talking about how amazing his girlfriend is, and that the weather is bad. But… on the bright side I am going to hang out with my friends and bake an amazing cake later today!

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That sounds really fun, actually. My project is on politics, we are supposed to look up a bunch of stuff on the European election right now and then we have a presentation on it tomorrow…

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Nope, not at all. I have Aspergers as well, so that only makes it suck even more ey

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20 questions would be good, but I’ll have to go to class pretty soon so I’ll have to leave in a short while…

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Dark green. Like, Slytherin-green. How bout you?

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I’m here more or less… I am baking that dam cake rn