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Started by @Low_Mein

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@Pickles group

I'm at my friends grad party and i don't know anyone and I feel really awkward all the people that I know aren't here yet


Yes allegory
I swear, honors English didn't do much lol

Lol… war flashbacks to Animal Farm

@Pickles group

Yes allegory
I swear, honors English didn't do much lol

Lol… war flashbacks to Animal Farm

I thought that book was gonna screw me up more at least temporarily but no Lord of the Flies was worse freshman year (I couldn't eat pig for months)


Yes allegory
I swear, honors English didn't do much lol

Lol… war flashbacks to Animal Farm

I thought that book was gonna screw me up more at least temporarily but no Lord of the Flies was worse freshman year (I couldn't eat pig for months)

XD We were suppose to read Omnivore's Dilemma but we didn't ;). However, I have heard stories of a teacher who shows the class videos of people butchering animals for food - let's just say the rate of vegetarians skyrockets between 7th and 8th grade.

Deleted user

I think there is something wrong with my teacher cause she only let’s us read books that are dark and sometimes really weird…


You can always tell what type of teacher they are by the books they give you… I had a teacher who hung up so many depressing quotes about break-ups there was like one that went "Sometimes people can stay in your heart but not your life" and "How do you follow your heart when it's in a million pieces… which piece do I follow?"
Ngl, I kinda love sad quotes but for the sake of school please no.

Deleted user

You can always tell what type of teacher they are by the books they give you… I had a teacher who hung up so many depressing quotes about break-ups there was like one that went "Sometimes people can stay in your heart but not your life" and "How do you follow your heart when it's in a million pieces… which piece do I follow?"
Ngl, I kinda love sad quotes but for the sake of school please no.

Well then my teacher seems to have had a lot of troubles growing up and maybe an abusive parent? Cause that’s what two of our most recent books are about…

Deleted user

Um… kinda not? At least not what to read… There is some plan about what they are supposed to teach us, but most teachers just do it their own way. For example, we are supposed to learn grammar in both Swedish and English, but our teacher (same in both subjects) hasn’t taught us any grammar at all. All we do is read books (not even classics or famous books) and then we make mindmaps on what we’ve read and sometimes we create our own theaters out of some scene from the book. It’s really stupid, actually. Most of the grammar I know I have pretty much taught myself or learned from my parents or from reading. (Actually, talking to all of you guys on this site for about a month now have improved my English a lot, I have raised my grades because of that yay)

Deleted user

Yep, at least we do in Sweden. We are taught English from that we are 8 or 9-ish and then we have it almost as much as we have Swedish for the rest of our time in school…


I feel so appreciated
We have the choice of taking french, spanish, or german for a semester, but it isn't mandatory.

Deleted user

We have that choice too, but it’s for 4 entire school years instead of one semester… And we have those classes almost as much as we have English, I think.

@Pickles group

We have options of french and spanish and there's three but you don't have to do all three and they're each a year long (each "part"). We used to have german too, but they took it away because not enough people were taking it and the teacher was awful. They did a thing though so if you were in German 1 you could finish but no one new could take German 1 after that

That was a wreck and probably made bo sense lol


That makes sense. Us Americans over here are always like #MERICA and we're the best and we love to act arrogant and flaunt it in everyone's face but in reality we all idiots. (K that was a false generalization but ya get the point)

Deleted user

Good for you! Also, yeah, as far as I know Norway has a pretty good school system