forum Pet Peeves
Started by @Lunar_Eclipse

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@soupnana group

When people mock others for the way they are. I mean, it's not straight up bullying, it's just like this annoying little nitpicking and it bothers me so much. Today during choir my friend was like, "I can't wait to get home and snuggle with my guinea pig!" And yeah, it sounds a little weird, but these two girls started laughing and one was like, "Did you seriously just say that? Stop." And they lowkey teased her which was really annoying because those girls are generally awesome but they were being kinda mean to her and I hated it.

Deleted user

When people unironically support communism (especially if they live in a first world country)

as someone who used to live in a post-soviet country i just…yeah. it's annoying.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Seeing stuff for Christmas in October!


No, don't me wrong…. I love Christmas! Its just that I don't like how commercialized it is, and it seems that we keep seeing stuff for that time of the year earlier and earlier each year.

@Starfast group

Seeing stuff for Christmas in October!

There are sixty five days until Christmas. I know this because there's someone who has been posting Christmas countdowns on facebook every day since October first (and even earlier a couple times throughout the year). I mean, I love Christmas too, but like, simmer down. We have two entire months to go.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Seeing stuff for Christmas in October!

There are sixty five days until Christmas. I know this because there's someone who has been posting Christmas countdowns on facebook every day since October first (and even earlier a couple times throughout the year). I mean, I love Christmas too, but like, simmer down. We have two entire months to go.

Yay, someone who gets my frustration! Lol

@soupnana group

Yeah. I mean, I get it, but it doesn't exactly bother me because MAYBE someone wants decorate their house for Christmas for Halloween as a more effective way to scare people.

Now excuse me as I finish stringing these ten thousand something lights on my roof. Thank you.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group


Dude, I work in retail and we just set out our Christmas stuff today!!!!! 😖
And we play nothing but Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving! SERIOUSLY!!! JUST WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST OF DECEMBER!!!!!!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(This thread just like, randomly reappeared for me for some reason. Lol Well, since I'm here….)

People that either A) don't flush, B) don't wash their hands after using the restroom, C) both…. It's extremely disgusting!


So much crap bothers me and I'm pretty sure people hate for it. But I hate when people pop their knuckles, bite their nails, bother me when I specifically told them I am working, Sing along to a song when I just want them to listen (It happened when I wanted people to listen to a song that my friend had just put on Spotify and nobody had heard it and this girl I hated decided to try and sing along when she had obviously never had heard of it. It's called 42 by Sage Crosby and it's on Youtube and Spotify) I hate it when people drag their feet on the floor and their shoes make that dragging noise, I hate when people think I'm being 'over-dramatic' about my anxiety, sensory overloads, migraines, and all that crap. Yeah, this was kind of a vent about crap I hate, I'm sorry for you guy to have read this.

@Mojack group

I know some people that do it on here and to clarify this IS NOT A CALLOUT on anyone here, but it's something I've seen everywhere that just makes me go :(

when people call their art 'trash'
I know I know, we're all our worst critics but
It happened to me on twitter where an artist with 35k followers was like "my art is so bad, i should give up on drawing because there's artists that are so much better than me" and me, an artist with 27 followers was sitting there like :/
and i know, before anyone says anything, i know it's not a me thing, it's a them thing and they need some encouraging words

but i'm the type of person to be in a good mood but once everyone starts feeling down and talking about their sadness then i feel upset too
On another note; here's one of my other pet peeves: Entering the bathroom and seeing someone left the toilet lid up. You see, i've got a cat who isn't really (he's got his moments, but compared to the other one) that smart and is way too curious, when we first got him he tried to drink the toilet water and since then we've been putting down the lid
But generally whenever guests come by they don't know how we do it there
Years of putting the lid down has imprinted that routine into my mind and each time I see it up I'm just like :/


A weird pet peeve of mine is when people assume all white people are caucasian. Caucasians make up a small portion of white people. Real caucasians are from the region of Caucasus- and it's not that big of a region. So when I fill out those surveys that ask for race/ethnicity, the only option I have is caucasian, but I'm not actually caucasian, I'm European American or Celtic. Same goes for people of Asian decent, "Asian American" doesn't ways cover it, Asia has a huge ethnic pool that can't be narrowed down to one option in a survey. Think of the difference between Russians and Indians and the Chinese- there's a huge difference between those people, yet only one option since they're all part of Asia.
Just because someone is white doesn't mean they're caucasian, in fact considering the odds they're probably not.

Deleted user

When I tell people I'm asexual and they're just like, "You'll change your mind." ……..BOI-

ThEse cOnvErsAtiOnS:
"Hey, I got [enter cool item name here] today!"
"What?! You got [that cool item]?"
"Nah dude, I got a potato…"
Like I just told you I got it! So why did you ask if I got it??

When I'm talking and someone cuts me off going "SSSSHHHHHHHHHHH"

Deleted user

Wow how did I not know this existed (also the previous pages were a super good read)

  • People insisting on talking to me when I’m clearly not in the mood.
  • Randomly being ghosted
  • Being poked and prodded constantly
  • Having to basically shout something I’m saying at someone (my voice is really rumbly and deep) when they’re RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME

  • Being interrupted

Especially when I’m talking about something I’m very knowledgeable, passionate, or close to me, only to be interrupted by something wrong, a stupid question that I was about to answer on my own, or something completely insignificant and not on topic at all. I don’t think I’m the most important thing in the world, but if you want me to fucking talk about myself more, don’t interrupt me with one of your own fucking stories.


This is a really random pet peeve of mine but when I'm watching a movie or show and a perfectly nice room gets messed up and trashed it really bothers me. Like did they really have to go and mess it up? Whatever the characters needed to do could have been done without a mess.

@Pickles group

It bugs me to no end when people use the wrong word for something. Especially when they aren't even spelled close to the same. Hon they might sound the same but they are spelled very different and have very different meanings :))))))

Deleted user

My pet peeve is when I walk into a room and never remember why I went in there.

Also is another one about myself: I just hate it when someone explains something so simple to me and I still don't get it.

Deleted user

This is a really random pet peeve of mine but when I'm watching a movie or show and a perfectly nice room gets messed up and trashed it really bothers me. Like did they really have to go and mess it up? Whatever the characters needed to do could have been done without a mess.

Seriously, same! I cannot and will not watch a movie or relax until everything is fixed! Like the house must be perfect before I allow myself to do anything.

@Pickles group

This is a really random pet peeve of mine but when I'm watching a movie or show and a perfectly nice room gets messed up and trashed it really bothers me. Like did they really have to go and mess it up? Whatever the characters needed to do could have been done without a mess.

Seriously, same! I cannot and will not watch a movie or relax until everything is fixed! Like the house must be perfect before I allow myself to do anything.

Or when it's a room that's supposed to be messy but you can tell they put absolutely no effort into it, like there's just a few clothes neatly placed on the floor. That is not a messy room and it's very obviously fake. If I can see more than 50% of the floor, I don't want to hear it being called an absolute disaster.


It bugs me to no end when people use the wrong word for something. Especially when they aren't even spelled close to the same. Hon they might sound the same but they are spelled very different and have very different meanings :))))))

That's me though. Whenever I'm writing, I have to pull up the dictionary and double check that the word I'm using means what I think it does.

@Pickles group

It bugs me to no end when people use the wrong word for something. Especially when they aren't even spelled close to the same. Hon they might sound the same but they are spelled very different and have very different meanings :))))))

That's me though. Whenever I'm writing, I have to pull up the dictionary and double check that the word I'm using means what I think it does.

at least you look it up, though. Sometimes I have to google if I'm using a word right or spelling it right too, but it's the people that don't do that and go right ahead and post it that bug me

@Starfast group

Hon they might sound the same but they are spelled very different and have very different meanings :))))))

Every time someone says "would of/ should of/ could of" I die a little on the inside.
And like 99.9% of the time I see this, it's coming from someone who speaks English as a first language. How do you not know that none of those make grammatical sense. It's would have omg.