forum Pet Peeves
Started by @Lunar_Eclipse

people_alt 67 followers


Really not the point of the advertisements, you're taking it too far. Over sexualization? Yeah, sometimes, but not always. Portraying women as objects for men? No, you're crossing the line of drama right there.

@Pickles group

When people say the don't know how to do something but they're doing it perfectly
Or they say they haven't looked at music at all but they already have it memorized
This one person. Just one that does this and it annoys the crap out of me


Yeah, and when people like my mom who is phenomenal at painting says after I complement their amazing job, "Oh, it's not good." Or they say it looks bad. Like geez have some confidence.


When I think guys like me, but then they back off at the last second cause they didnt stick around long enough to get to actually know me.

@Shadow_Knight group

When I think guys like me, but then they back off at the last second cause they didnt stick around long enough to get to actually know me.

Omg! I hate that so much!

@soupnana group

When someone is doing the dishes and when they finish they just leave the kitchen floor with little water droplets everywhere!!! And then I go to walk in the kitchen and then my SoCKs GeT wET!!!!!! FRICKEN CLEAN UP YO DANG WATER YOU HEATHENS!!!!

@soupnana group

When your parent or guardian calls you from across the house and doesn't say anything until you get up

OH MY GOSH YES! I'm like, "What?" No response. "What!?" Nothing. "WHAT!!!!?" Not a word.
And then I get up and go to them and in a slightly annoyed tone, "What..?"
Mom: "Don't talk to me like that!"
Me: Explodes

@Pickles group

When your parent or guardian calls you from across the house and doesn't say anything until you get up

OH MY GOSH YES! I'm like, "What?" No response. "What!?" Nothing. "WHAT!!!!?" Not a word.
And then I get up and go to them and in a slightly annoyed tone, "What..?"
Mom: "Don't talk to me like that!"
Me: Explodes


@Knight-Shives group

When your parent or guardian calls you from across the house and doesn't say anything until you get up

OH MY GOSH YES! I'm like, "What?" No response. "What!?" Nothing. "WHAT!!!!?" Not a word.
And then I get up and go to them and in a slightly annoyed tone, "What..?"
Mom: "Don't talk to me like that!"
Me: Explodes


Then they tell you something really short and not really important and tell you how they wouldn't talk till you were next to them but they could have just told you from the other room.

Deleted user

When I tell people I’m Eastern European and they seem to think I’m Russian and start spewing stereotypes

One person I told them I’m actually Belarusian and they said “same thing” and I just…

I’ve spoken to some of my Russian friends and they get annoyed by it too since it’s just the same things all of the time they hear, nothing new or clever

Deleted user

Oh gods, yes, I hate those stereotypes!
The ones I get aren't as bad as you probably get, but when I tell people I'm from Italy, all they do is say "Mama mia! Can you cook me some speghettios? Maybe you can give me pizza!" All in a really bad Italian accent.
And it makes me so mad!


I mean I get messed with because I look hispanic but I'm not, but I don't care or complain about it.

If you just take it as a joke maybe that will help.