forum Pet Peeves
Started by @Lunar_Eclipse

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I'm sorry I just can't take it very seriously in my mind because it's such a minor insult and to me, a caliber of insult that doesn't even touch my nerve, so yeah. I understand where you're coming from, but as I've always been told, toughen up. Just deal with it. No reason to give those people any attention for their lowlife insults, just ignore them

Also a quick "shut the fuck up" works sometimes, but definitely do NOT let anyone know that they got to you. That will be your end.

@soupnana group

Oh, y'all know what I hate? Being mistaken for as a freshman or sophomore. Last year I would be mistaken for a junior but now y'all think I'm younger than I really am? Oh come on.

Deleted user

I'm sorry I just can't take it very seriously in my mind because it's such a minor insult and to me, a caliber of insult that doesn't even touch my nerve, so yeah. I understand where you're coming from, but as I've always been told, toughen up. Just deal with it. No reason to give those people any attention for their lowlife insults, just ignore them

Also a quick "shut the fuck up" works sometimes, but definitely do NOT let anyone know that they got to you. That will be your end.

Yeah, it's just so insulting to my culture.


Again, I totally get it, and those people are terrible for doing that, just pull through. Stand up to them and don't let their garbage put you down.


Oh, y'all know what I hate? Being mistaken for as a freshman or sophomore. Last year I would be mistaken for a junior but now y'all think I'm younger than I really am? Oh come on.

This is a little confusing since I have no idea what grade you're in.

@soupnana group

Oh, y'all know what I hate? Being mistaken for as a freshman or sophomore. Last year I would be mistaken for a junior but now y'all think I'm younger than I really am? Oh come on.

This is a little confusing since I have no idea what grade you're in.

Junior. Ha ha

@soupnana group

I'm sorry I just can't take it very seriously in my mind because it's such a minor insult and to me, a caliber of insult that doesn't even touch my nerve, so yeah. I understand where you're coming from, but as I've always been told, toughen up. Just deal with it. No reason to give those people any attention for their lowlife insults, just ignore them

Also a quick "shut the frick up" works sometimes, but definitely do NOT let anyone know that they got to you. That will be your end.

Yeah, it's just so insulting to my culture.

I get it. (They just wish they were Italian) And sometimes, you gotta embrace the jokes. Marzia, Pewdiepie's wife, get's a lot of jokes about being Italian. Many are things like "angry spaghetti noises" and while they are stereotypes, they make Felix and Marzia laugh, because both of them accept that yeah, Italy is well known for some gosh darn good pasta, but they also know that there's a lot more to it than that. I know for one that Italy has beautiful architecture, cities, and a pretty interesting culture. As long as YOU know the things that aren't stereotypes, you don't have to get angry over them. 🤷‍♀️
But who knows. I'm just a boring American whitie (murica) so I wouldn't know exactly what that's like. Well, sorta do. If I even mention that I'm a member of the Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, people start spewing a bunch of stereotypes about us, a lot of the time they ridicule me for my beliefs, but I don't rise to them. I mean, sure, it's kinda annoying when people say something negative about it, but it's just better if I smile at them, pat them on the shoulder and wish them a fantastic day.

Deleted user

Every once in a while I do see an original one that I’ve never heard before that does make me laugh, so there is that. It’s usually from the people that have done delving into the country’s history and such.

I just usually swear at them in Russian if they don’t stop after some time (after I’ve asked them politely to stop.) Russian’s a pretty flexible language in terms of swears, some of them have different uses. I usually move away from the most commonly used ones though.

And before you tell me that I just said I’m not Russian, only 4% - 10% of Belarusians actually speak the language. It’s odd, I know (that the Belarusians don’t speak Belarusian despite living in Belarus; although I do know the language a bit.)

Most of the time though I just ignore them. Some people are actually interested though to learn more about Belarus if I do correct them, so there’s an opportunity sometimes?

I’m not too upset by what they say, just annoyed with how often it’s repeated.

@Pickles group

Oh, y'all know what I hate? Being mistaken for as a freshman or sophomore. Last year I would be mistaken for a junior but now y'all think I'm younger than I really am? Oh come on.

Everyone thinks I'm a sophomore because there's no juniors in my section so all my friends are sophomores

@soupnana group

Oh, y'all know what I hate? Being mistaken for as a freshman or sophomore. Last year I would be mistaken for a junior but now y'all think I'm younger than I really am? Oh come on.

Everyone thinks I'm a sophomore because there's no juniors in my section so all my friends are sophomores

Yeah. I only am mistaken for being younger than I am by the other theatre kids cause most people in theatre who seem completely comfortable there and such and know of the school theatre history are the ones that have been there a while or have come in and have been informed. And since no one recognizes me they're like, "huh, they must be a new freshman or sophomore." I'm mostly okay with it though when it's coming from a fellow theatre kid cause I love them so gosh darn much that I can stand it.

@soupnana group

Oh, another pet peeve of mine is when I'm about to do a chore of my own free will and someone is like, "Hey! Go clean your room." And then I immediately don't want to do it because I was GOING TO but then you had to TELL ME TO and I'm somewhat of an individualistic kinda person and I don't like being told what to do a ton, and I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I do something that someone asks me. Jut let me do it when I want people!!!!

@soupnana group

Oh or when its a weekend and you have just BARELY woken up and then for some STUPID REASON someone comes into your room and is like, "HEY! CAn yoU cLeaN tHE KItCHen!?" And I'm just like, "Dude I'm sleeping here! Go clean your own kitchen ya flake!"
Or maybe when for ONCE you try and do your homework but then someone comes and asks you to do a chore instead. Um, it's two days before term ends. I can't exactly PUT OFF MY TWENTY FIVE ASSIGNMENTS FOR YOUR CRAP!!!


As a fellow American, I can argue that pending your grade, you are not given more than about eight or nine technically speaking that could be due in the next few days.

@soupnana group

Indeed. I do assignments, but the thing is that literally every teacher seems to think their class is the only one that matters, and so they give us like seven assignments to do and even if I tried to do all of them within the deadline, it's still impossible, so by the time that I have to have them all done, the overflow has gotten to the point where I have NO free time whatsoever. I'm just one person. I don't think I can create three full and well made powerpoints within the span of two days unless I go into panic mode, which is the mode I am currently in.
And it seems that I'm only asked to do a bunch of chores and stuff when I have homework to do. yayyyy….


ah, yea dude, i'm from Canada, but school here sucks too.
it got to the point where i just,,, didn't go for two whole years bc it stressed me out way too much. (also depression i think??? but idk)
but yea, now i'm like three years behind, and they FINALLY shoved me into a program where i'm less stressed.
still stressed tho, but it's a whole lot better.
i just don't have homework. and i work at my own pace, no deadlines. life is slightly ok now.


So, I don't appreciate the over exaggeration. I understand that you have lots of work, as do I. I also have no free time, but you don't see me complaining. Just deal with it I guess. That's how my parents and guardians raised me. I never got emotional support, so I handle things myself. It stinks. I know, trust me. I was going to start venting about how my life is, but I'll spare you. Good day.

@soupnana group

Back to pet peeves. I hate eating a delicious completo and they burping a couple hours later right after having brushed your teeth and it tastes like the food but rotting and it's nasty. Yelch…