forum Pet Peeves
Started by @Lunar_Eclipse

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Deleted user

I know, right? It's so annoying and it just makes me want to strangle someone. Also, people bumping into me and touching me like in the hall or something. I know they don't mean to but it just gets on my nerves.


Oh my goodness! I hate it when people do that. I have that converstation a lot actually xD I almost never get enough sleep cause I'm a night owl. And whenever I say something like that and then someone else is just like "Well I got less sleep than you," I'm just like "…well I don't give a frick."


But my main pet peeve is definitely repeating myself. I hate it when I explain something really long and then afterward they are just like, "What? I didn't hear you, you were mumbling." Deep inhale

Deleted user

Oh my gosh I know right! And I have this one teacher that I have to walk past a few times before I actually have to go to his class and it's super awkward I just kinda look at him and then glance away awkwardly and then he says hi and then I have to say hi and I know it's not really a pet peeve but I HATE IT


slams hand on table
i dislike when people chew loudly
there is no need for it, it's rude, and yoUR PARENTS SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT YOU BETTER WHY ARE YOU STILL DOING IT I-
and some people at school still chew with their mouth open??????
we're almost 18 child wtf are you D O I N G ?

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

For some reason, it really bothers me when people go through the wrong door. Like most stores have automatic doors that open when you get close, others have one-way doors that only open from one side and yet people constantly chest bump those doors because they don't read the red sticker that says ”Do Not Enter”.

Wtf people! Can you not read?


Where can I begin-
I don't like not seeing everyone because I get unsettled. So I always sit either in the back of the room or at an angle so I can see everyone
Chewing(the noise is really Gross to me)
Really loud music (I'm a hypocrite on this one)
Slow walkers(I will shatter your kneecaps)
People who make out in the hallways (I don't want to see you eating someone else's face unless your a zombie)
Wrong pitches (unless it is perfectly off pitch (its possible))

That's all I can think of right now

@Pickles group

people that lean on the LEFT wall and turn the corner. what are you doing.

  1. walk on the RIGHT side of the hallway. not the left. this is America
  2. don't lean on the wall while you go around a corner
  3. don't do both at the same time
  4. if I run into you it is entirely your fault. I was on the right side of the hallway.

people that go up the wrong side of the stairs
people that go through the wrong side of the door (like if its double doors and they're both open. or even if theyre not.


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^ Does that tick anyone else off or just me???