forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


I'm sorry things are really shit right now. Mental health is tricky. I know some helplines that could help. They're 24/7, and they connect you with a councelor or a trained listener.
Text HOME to 741741
Text VOICE to 20121
And ofc, there's the national suicide help line- 1-800-273-8255.
Text HOME to 85258
I couldn't find the UK suicide help line, but I'm sure you could easily look it up if that's where u live.


Zach, as someone who doesn't like talking to others about my problems, you need to talk to others about your problems. I know you prefer keeping your privacy, but you really do need to let this out to someone else. You don't have to go into specifcs, hell, you could just talk about the emotions you're going through. Just say something. Keeping these thoughts and emotions bottled up to yourself–it's slowly tearing you apart from the inside out. You need to let it out.

Please know I say this out of concern. I know you're trying, and I'm so sorry for whatever you are going through that is causing you to hurt.

@The-Magician group

(UK one is 116 123 just in case anyone stalking may happen to live in the UK, and trust me those guys are so pleasant to talk to, you can call them 24/7)


There's nothing for you to apologize for. I'm the one who should be apologizing for being so harsh. I'm sorry. I'm worried about you and I don't know what to do or say to help. My PMs are always open to you. Just, let me know what you need from me, if anything.

@Anemone eco

You weren't harsh at all. I shouldn't have said anything and I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have. I don't want people to hate me.


Just saying, as someone who also doesn't really like to talk about feelings, that vent last night was a great first step of releasing your emotions. It's important to identify how you feel, and to let it out to others, and you did just that. That's what a vent chat is for. You're doing your best, I can tell, even if I don't know you super well yet. The next step would be getting professional help, especially if this is something you've been dealing with a long time.
You're doing your best, and I'm proud of you for that :)


You weren't harsh at all. I shouldn't have said anything and I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have. I don't want people to hate me.

No no no, that's not what I meant. You should keep talking, keep venting. Please. The last thing I want to do is shut you up when that's the linchpin that's keeping you down. No one will hate you. You've done nothing wrong.


Just saying, as someone who also doesn't really like to talk about feelings, that vent last night was a great first step of releasing your emotions. It's important to identify how you feel, and to let it out to others, and you did just that. That's what a vent chat is for. You're doing your best, I can tell, even if I don't know you super well yet. The next step would be getting professional help, especially if this is something you've been dealing with a long time.
You're doing your best, and I'm proud of you for that :)

Yes, exactly! Owen worded it way better than my attempt, but the gist of it is the same.


If you're uncomfortable talking here, that's perfectly fine. It's never easy. Those chat lines are 100% anonymous. Maybe they'd be more of a comfort to you.