forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Now you see being a bother only works when the target of your bothering is indeed bothered. So in this case I'm afraid you can't continue to bother, for the target of your bothering has already said they were indeed not bothered. I'm afraid you will have to settle with conversation. Not quite as fun I know but alas they are not bothered, what is one to do. (This is said most jokingly please do not take offence)

@Kie group

I don't feel you'd much be up for getting to know on another, but since that's my go-to for curing boredom in a conversation I suppose I'll have to think of something else.

There's always talking about non-sense but that's not much different from the rambling I'm doing now. Then again, I suppose most everything could be considered non-sense in the mind of a person.

Haaah what do we talk about? Perhaps… sea creatures?

They're plenty sensical and non-sensical at the same time.


(Again here I am butting into a conversation I have no business in) The ocean is fascinating, Dolphins especially, my favorite are Pantropical Spotted Dolphins. Ok backing away from conversation now.

@Anemone eco

What led you to the conclusion that I wouldn't be up to getting to know you? Do I just seem like that much of a closed-off person?

Oh, whatever. I suppose sea creatures are fine, though I can't say I know much about marine life, we'll see what I can spit out. What exactly about sea creatures would you like to discuss?

@Kie group

You're not butting into much of anything, so no worries there. On the subject of dolphins, they're quite pleasant creatures, as are sea lions. I've been swimming with both yet even then I'm more of an ugly deep-sea creature sort of person. The oarfish is quite an interesting thing, wouldn't you agree?

@Anemone eco

(Again here I am butting into a conversation I have no business in) The ocean is fascinating, Dolphins especially, my favorite are Pantropical Spotted Dolphins. Ok backing away from conversation now.

(You're fine.) Dolphins… why would the listed dolphin be your favourite? Does it have something to do with appearance or some kind of personal connection?

@Anemone eco

The oarfish is quite an interesting thing, wouldn't you agree?

I had to look up what an oarfish was. Their appearance is indeed interesting. And also kind of pretty.

@Kie group

What led you to the conclusion that I wouldn't be up to getting to know you? Do I just seem like that much of a closed-off person?

To me, yes. Although, I can assure you that's most likely because I'll talk about almost anything right off the bat no matter how long I've known a person. Just typical behavior for me to be very open at this point in my life.

Oh, whatever. I suppose sea creatures are fine, though I can't say I know much about marine life, we'll see what I can spit out. What exactly about sea creatures would you like to discuss?

Anything, really. Knowledge of the topic doesn't matter much when you can just spew out the names of the lovely and occasionally scary marine life which this planet hosts.


Pantropical spotted dolphins look a lot like striped or colored Dolphins but they have the spots like Atlantic spotted Dolphins do. There are a few books I read as a kid that I loved, my favorite two were about Atlantic Potted Dolphins and a Stripped Dolphin so when I figured out there was a species that looked like both combined, I was sold.

@Kie group

Nice! I was (and still kind of am) obsessed with this game about marine life and diving (Endless Ocean 1 & 2). I think I could probably name a few (like maybe 40 at most?) species of fish off the top of my head if someone just showed me an image.

@Kie group

Hmm. I don't think I'm that dedicated. Though I did spend hours looking through the sea and a lot its species.

Have you seen the ocean sunfish/mola? They're literally kinda dumb and they can reach up to 2000 pounds (just found that out upon looking them up for an image, almost cried). I just hate them with most of my being,,, like who allowed that???

@Anemone eco

I have seen one. It is quite interesting. Though, being able to move while weighing 1000kg and being so small is quite admirable (not that I desire to be that heavy).

@Kie group

Ahhh talking about weight reminds me I need to make sure mine hasn't changed weirdly again.

Anything else you'd want to talk about outside the realm of s e a cc r e a t u r e s?

@Kie group

Mmm, in that case, I'll leave you to your own cause my head is like, more than empty. Practically a void at this point.

GN! I would say ILY but since I barely know you and that'd be weird I'm still throwing it in the sentence so my routine isn't thrown off by not saying it before I leave a conversation for the night.


I wanted to be a Marine Biologist until this year when I found out Chemistry is really hard. I can't go into that field with out knowing a heck ton of Chemistry so I'm just stuck now. I've done a bit of research when it comes to marine life or oceans in general. I can't name species off of the top of my head but I tell you that Ocean Acidification ( I probably spelled that wrong) is real bad and we're probably gong to lose a lot of marine life to it in the next hundred years or so.

@Kie group

I wanted to be a Marine Biologist until this year when I found out Chemistry is really hard. I can't go into that field with out knowing a heck ton of Chemistry so I'm just stuck now. I've done a bit of research when it comes to marine life or oceans in general. I can't name species off of the top of my head but I tell you that Ocean Acidification ( I probably spelled that wrong) is real bad and we're probably gong to lose a lot of marine life to it in the next hundred years or so.

I would've gone into marine biology but big bodies of water terrify me :') So I'm gonna be like a zookeeper or smth


@Anemone eco

I wanted to be a Marine Biologist until this year when I found out Chemistry is really hard. I can't go into that field with out knowing a heck ton of Chemistry so I'm just stuck now. I've done a bit of research when it comes to marine life or oceans in general. I can't name species off of the top of my head but I tell you that Ocean Acidification ( I probably spelled that wrong) is real bad and we're probably gong to lose a lot of marine life to it in the next hundred years or so.

Oh, ouch. Chemistry… not really my strong suit lol. But then again, sciences, in general, were my enemy.

@Anemone eco

Mmm, in that case, I'll leave you to your own cause my head is like, more than empty. Practically a void at this point.

GN! I would say ILY but since I barely know you and that'd be weird I'm still throwing it in the sentence so my routine isn't thrown off by not saying it before I leave a conversation for the night.

See ya later, Kie.

@Anemone eco

4:00 AM. What a time to vent, am I right? I suppose it's best this way. There's almost no one around to see this right now if anyone at all. I had to speak about how terrible I've been feeling sometime. Here we go.

As of late, I've been feeling like shit. I can barely manage to escape bad thoughts lingering around in my mind. Ones telling me to hurt myself. Others begging for worse. I overthink every single thing, even if it's something good, and it always leads to a bad fate. One in which I usually end up crying or something lesser desired. It's terrible. It really is. But who is there to tell this? Who in the world could I tell without them thinking I'm faking it? Or being overdramatic? Who in the world won't tell me "just get over it" or "eh. It'll be fine"? Who is it worth telling anymore? Would I be better off keeping this pain to myself and crying over it later as I have for years on end? Because that's sure what it seems like to me. But here I fucking am. Crying to the world because I want someone to know how I really feel. Someone to see that I'm not as calm as I seem. Not as happy as I want to be. I'm sitting here crying to people I don't know because I want the world to know what's going to be the end of me. I want people to have somewhere to find why. Why I'm gone. Why I left so soon. I want the world to know why I want so desperately for my brain to leave me. It's killing me. Sparing no dreams. No smiles. Because I apparently don't deserve to be happy. I'm not worth the time of day or a single molecule of oxygen. That's what it seems to tell me. That has to be the reason why I'm faced with irresistible urges to hurt myself, or constantly asking myself "why don't you stab yourself in the stomach?". Right? I suppose I'm wasting my time with this. I'm just another person with a raincloud over their head. But whatever. Who cares? It's fucking here now.