forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

so??? if you need to eat, then e a t

You don't understand how much trouble I'd be in.

That sounds like something my mom would do…

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Imma randomly scream into the internet….

@Kie group

sometimes i think something is really wrong with me. the virus really hasn't helped things at all. i feel more distant and sad at times than i used to. attempts to do anything online with friends tends to fall flat (they're busy, uninterested, or leave), and i swear the only person who even cares (or pretends to care) at this point is an acquaintance who shouldn't have to listen to my problems anyways. i can't even tell you how many times i have cried or felt like crying this week. i'm doubting that my friends care as much as they claim to and cope by distracting myself with other things because it's not a totally foreign feeling but things feel so much worse this time around. i really just don't know what to do with myself and feel so useless. every time i try to tell my friends about this kind of stuff they seem to brush it off.

@saor_illust school

okay so i wrote something
well not exactly wrote but still
it's like
not a vent
i want to share it

not a vent

i have once again remembered just exactly how much i love you all
istg i would die for each and every one of you
and like,,, i dont want any of you to doie so seriously dont die
if you are feeling like the end ofi mean if you are suffering from depression are are feling depressed thats okay
just keep going
cause soon youll make it out of the hole
and well all be here to congratulate you
because we knew al along yoou could make it out <3

um alwso
semi0tired izzy here
wiyicy means im not wanting to liok at the keeyboard
which lso means typos
alot of them

if ic ould right now i would taeleport to each and every one of you
no matter what time odf day it is fr you
and i would hug you
like actually properly hug you
and i would be so happy
and you and i would have the best day together
becayse i would make sure that nothing would be able to get in the way of us speniding time goteher
so if you have a parent who would disapprove of you being up or something idk what im saying anymore
i would work my izzy magic and e coan mbe happy together
and i would you know what im a stop
cause idek what im saying
and im confused

but you cget the point wright?
ily all so so much
i swear you guys are my family
like i feel closer to you guys honestly than my real family and friends
ror not real friends, but irl friends you know
and like
mom ily too
and angel i swear you are the best child of mine
i dont think i adopted anywaone else
but you are best child
you better know that
also because i cant actually hug anyone irl
i give you guys big ibg biggest hugs because ily all so so so freaking much

Deleted user

i need someone to stop me before i do something stupid-

@saor_illust school

hey- no you're not-
i liked what i saw this very early morning
you were happy, hanging out with friends :)
do you think they felt you were a burden then?
because you aren't one