forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Mir, you made my day. It was kind of a crappy day, but it’s a lot better now.

Aww, I'm glad, love ya <3


Also, can we play "am I the asshole here?"
Talking about dumping bitches…
I have this one friend that may be toxic but I'm not sure.
We've been friends for a really long time and I've met many of my other good friends through her but recently I feel like she's been losing friends bc of some less than agreeable shit she's been doing recently. I'm just wondering what I should do because I don't really want to dump her because while she's done some less than agreeable things recently she's helped me through some crap and I've had to help her through some crap too (she has depression and anxiety and I've been there for her through a lot of it and I don't want to leave her on her own.)

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Also, can we play "am I the asshole here?"
Talking about dumping bitches…
I have this one friend that may be toxic but I'm not sure.
We've been friends for a really long time and I've met many of my other good friends through her but recently I feel like she's been losing friends bc of some less than agreeable shit she's been doing recently. I'm just wondering what I should do because I don't really want to dump her because while she's done some less than agreeable things recently she's helped me through some crap and I've had to help her through some crap too (she has depression and anxiety and I've been there for her through a lot of it and I don't want to leave her on her own.)

If the good outweighs the bad, then keep her as a friend.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group


I don't think that gift preference is something that could be narrowed down because of age or gender. A teenage boy wants whatever he wants, be it video games or porcelain dolls. An old lady wants what she wants, be it a knitting set or a toy train. Honestly, gifts could be wanted by anyone of any age, gender identity, sexuality, or whatever.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


I don't think that gift preference is something that could be narrowed down because of age or gender. A teenage boy wants whatever he wants, be it video games or porcelain dolls. An old lady wants what she wants, be it a knitting set or a toy train. Honestly, gifts could be wanted by anyone of any age, gender identity, sexuality, or whatever.

If you know what his interests are, that's a great place to start. Get him something that ties into those interests.

@Pickles group

I'm listening to music in my earbuds and my dad's humming and it matches my music almost exactly even though there's no way he knows the song and he can't hear it. It's really freaky

@Pickles group

Note: There's a fine line between celery smell and cigarette smoke smell, and if celery smell gets in your sweatshirt for too long, that line starts to blur. Don't ask. And no, I don't smoke. I also don't like celery

Deleted user

So, remember that wrist I kinda messed up yesterday? It still hurts, and I'm trying to write for Nano rn, and I, like, can't move my hand right?
I know I have terrible typing posture and I always keep my wrists flat, which is bad for you, but like… The middle of my wrist hurts so bad and I can't really use my hand right? It's kind of numb?? What is happening???

@saor_illust school

Oh no! That's terrible! But just remember, you don't absolutely need to finish Nano, so if necessary, take a full day off for a day of self-care. It's important that you don't hurt yourself more.

Deleted user

No it's not.

Actually for me, it has messed up my wrist a lot. It makes it really, I guess, fragile?

That's not how–it works–?

I'll shut up now…

Jesus please do and stop trying to, like, prove that everything I say about my health is wrong??? I cut literally every day for three years. I has messed with the wrist itself a lot.

Like, for the love of god.

Let's not have what happened to the last venting chat happen here.

Not to sound rude or anything but…
I don’t think Eris, the one with medical knowledge, calmly explaining that that isn’t exactly how it works is even remotely on the same page as what happened in the other venting chat
just saying

that might be overreacting just a tad

(I was thinking the exact same thing, thank you)

(ahem) Thank you

Deleted user

Is anybody here an anime fan??
Where do you get anime stuff??
{Christmas shopping will be the death of me}

@Pickles group

So, remember that wrist I kinda messed up yesterday? It still hurts, and I'm trying to write for Nano rn, and I, like, can't move my hand right?
I know I have terrible typing posture and I always keep my wrists flat, which is bad for you, but like… The middle of my wrist hurts so bad and I can't really use my hand right? It's kind of numb?? What is happening???

I would talk to your mom and see if you can get a doctor's appointment to see what's wrong

Deleted user

So, remember that wrist I kinda messed up yesterday? It still hurts, and I'm trying to write for Nano rn, and I, like, can't move my hand right?
I know I have terrible typing posture and I always keep my wrists flat, which is bad for you, but like… The middle of my wrist hurts so bad and I can't really use my hand right? It's kind of numb?? What is happening???

I would talk to your mom and see if you can get a doctor's appointment to see what's wrong

If it's still bad when I go back to school Monday, I'll see the nurse.

Deleted user

Is anybody here an anime fan??
Where do you get anime stuff??
{Christmas shopping will be the death of me}

amazon surprisingly has a lot of stuff for cheap.
depending on the anime BoxLunch is a good place

@Pickles group

Is anybody here an anime fan??
Where do you get anime stuff??
{Christmas shopping will be the death of me}

Umm, see if you can find where they watch it or who creates it. They'll probably have merch you can buy. Obviously it'll be expensive, but you can get, like, a mug or something maybe

@Pickles group

So, remember that wrist I kinda messed up yesterday? It still hurts, and I'm trying to write for Nano rn, and I, like, can't move my hand right?
I know I have terrible typing posture and I always keep my wrists flat, which is bad for you, but like… The middle of my wrist hurts so bad and I can't really use my hand right? It's kind of numb?? What is happening???

I would talk to your mom and see if you can get a doctor's appointment to see what's wrong

If it's still bad when I go back to school Monday, I'll see the nurse.

Monday is an awfully long ways away and nano will be over, but okay

Deleted user

So, remember that wrist I kinda messed up yesterday? It still hurts, and I'm trying to write for Nano rn, and I, like, can't move my hand right?
I know I have terrible typing posture and I always keep my wrists flat, which is bad for you, but like… The middle of my wrist hurts so bad and I can't really use my hand right? It's kind of numb?? What is happening???

I would talk to your mom and see if you can get a doctor's appointment to see what's wrong

If it's still bad when I go back to school Monday, I'll see the nurse.

Monday is an awfully long ways away and nano will be over, but okay

It's fine lol

Deleted user

Is anybody here an anime fan??
Where do you get anime stuff??
{Christmas shopping will be the death of me}

amazon surprisingly has a lot of stuff for cheap.
depending on the anime BoxLunch is a good place

I'll look into that!
Thanks Eris!

Deleted user

Is anybody here an anime fan??
Where do you get anime stuff??
{Christmas shopping will be the death of me}

Umm, see if you can find where they watch it or who creates it. They'll probably have merch you can buy. Obviously it'll be expensive, but you can get, like, a mug or something maybe

Right… I might try my local fandom store, they should have something