forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

One of my friends walked into a threeway in a school bathroom.
I hate my school

You always tell this story and it always makes me feel a certain level of disturbance I don't have a name for

It's called "I'm also from WI but I dodged a bullet"

If that ain't the truth

A building downtown exploded, the principal/vice principal (don't remember which) got jumped by a student, and young teens fuck in the bathrooms.
What a town.
For real though, I love my town but the schools fucking suck

Deleted user

One of my friends walked into a threeway in a school bathroom.
I hate my school

You always tell this story and it always makes me feel a certain level of disturbance I don't have a name for

It's called "I'm also from WI but I dodged a bullet"

If that ain't the truth

A building downtown exploded, the principal/vice principal (don't remember which) got jumped by a student, and young teens fuck in the bathrooms.
What a town.
For real though, I love my town but the schools fucking suck

We've been in active lockdowns {including a shooter}, kids have shower wars, someone has literally had to go to the emergency room because a kid was leaning back in his chair and a dude who didn't like the kid pulled out his chair and cracked his head open, police have had to come investigate situations that took place in science rooms, a teacher was fired for being a molester…
That's literally everywhere in Wisco lol

Deleted user

I was talking to a kid from, like, Cali or whatever, and apparently they've never seen a locker being searched

Like, bro?? I've seen six lockers being searched at the same time??


I want murder.
All my layers.
In my art.
Merged into one.
Line Art.
I was not done coloring.
I must now re-do all the uncolored character's line arts.
There are 21 characters to re-do.
I also can't save my picture without the same thing happening again, so I can't close the stupid canvas or open another artwork until I'm done with this one.
Kill me now
I'm going to sleep. Suck end to a suck day.


No it's not.

Actually for me, it has messed up my wrist a lot. It makes it really, I guess, fragile?

That's not how–it works–?

I'll shut up now…

Jesus please do and stop trying to, like, prove that everything I say about my health is wrong??? I cut literally every day for three years. I has messed with the wrist itself a lot.

Like, for the love of god.

Let's not have what happened to the last venting chat happen here.

Not to sound rude or anything but…
I don’t think Eris, the one with medical knowledge, calmly explaining that that isn’t exactly how it works is even remotely on the same page as what happened in the other venting chat
just saying

that might be overreacting just a tad


I want murder.
All my layers.
In my art.
Merged into one.
Line Art.
I was not done coloring.
I must now re-do all the uncolored character's line arts.
There are 21 characters to re-do.
I also can't save my picture without the same thing happening again, so I can't close the stupid canvas or open another artwork until I'm done with this one.
Kill me now
I'm going to sleep. Suck end to a suck day.

Oh my heck I know that feel
I am so sorry for you, fren
That’s like the worst possible thing that could happen other than the file deleting itself

@Moxie group

No it's not.

Actually for me, it has messed up my wrist a lot. It makes it really, I guess, fragile?

That's not how–it works–?

I'll shut up now…

Jesus please do and stop trying to, like, prove that everything I say about my health is wrong??? I cut literally every day for three years. I has messed with the wrist itself a lot.

Like, for the love of god.

Let's not have what happened to the last venting chat happen here.

Not to sound rude or anything but…
I don’t think Eris, the one with medical knowledge, calmly explaining that that isn’t exactly how it works is even remotely on the same page as what happened in the other venting chat
just saying

that might be overreacting just a tad

(I was thinking the exact same thing, thank you)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

This is a rant about my life.
I have had a really fucking bad morning.
This will include lots of fucks.
1 I've only been up for one fucking hour, and my brain is not awake, and my meds havent kicked in.
2 My meds haven't kicked in yet.
3 I did not get morning hgs from my sisters and that makes me sad. \
5 I'm wet. From walking to school in the rain.
6 My mom couldn't drive me. Hence #5
7 My sock is wet.
8 My boot has a hole in it. Hence #7
9 Those boots are supposed to last all winter. I CANNOT GET NE ONES TILL NEXT WINTER< AND I WALK EVERY FUCKING DAY
10 My headphones are giving out.
11 I need my music


@TeamMezzo group

This is a rant about my life.
I have had a really fucking bad morning.
This will include lots of fucks.
1 I've only been up for one fucking hour, and my brain is not awake, and my meds havent kicked in.
2 My meds haven't kicked in yet.
3 I did not get morning hgs from my sisters and that makes me sad. \
5 I'm wet. From walking to school in the rain.
6 My mom couldn't drive me. Hence #5
7 My sock is wet.
8 My boot has a hole in it. Hence #7
9 Those boots are supposed to last all winter. I CANNOT GET NE ONES TILL NEXT WINTER< AND I WALK EVERY FUCKING DAY
10 My headphones are giving out.
11 I need my music


internet hugs, a blanket, cookies, music, and everything else you could possibly need

@TeamMezzo group

hey i need advice from my masc/andro-presenting afab pals, i'm seeing a show tonight and all i have are feminine dress shirts and i feel hella masc rn, i don't own a binder and i have to look nice, any tips?