forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Mezzo! My dude! I got you!
Assuming you have pants lol, perhaps don't tuck your shirt in, maybe add a nice belt, and perhaps wear a tie if you have one? I'm sure your father does if you don't.
Oh, and if you kind of side part your hair, that may help.

I realize that this is probably not the slightest bit helpful but I'm trying lol

@TeamMezzo group

Mezzo! My dude! I got you!
Assuming you have pants lol, perhaps don't tuck your shirt in, maybe add a nice belt, and perhaps wear a tie if you have one? I'm sure your father does if you don't.
Oh, and if you kind of side part your hair, that may help.

I realize that this is probably not the slightest bit helpful but I'm trying lol

thank you so much
i actually have to tuck in the shirt i'm wearing otherwise it looks weird lol, but a belt is useful, i'm stealing my brother's dress shoes, and also for whatever reason pulling my hair back a little sometimes helps, so i'm using bobbie pins to pull back one bit, my hair is short though so that helps
i'm not wearing a collared shirt so a tie is out of the question :(

@TeamMezzo group

i'm seeing hamilton in three(3) hours so that's incredibly rad
but i'm also dissociated and dysphoric as all hell so that's not so rad
idk how much amber has told you about us, but uh, we're a dissociative identity disorder system of a lot, we haven't gotten an accurate headcount in a while lol

how are you?


i'm seeing hamilton in three(3) hours so that's incredibly rad
but i'm also dissociated and dysphoric as all hell so that's not so rad
idk how much amber has told you about us, but uh, we're a dissociative identity disorder system of a lot, we haven't gotten an accurate headcount in a while lol

how are you?

Also holy shit you are so lucky, i so want to see hamilton

@TeamMezzo group

i'm seeing hamilton in three(3) hours so that's incredibly rad
but i'm also dissociated and dysphoric as all hell so that's not so rad
idk how much amber has told you about us, but uh, we're a dissociative identity disorder system of a lot, we haven't gotten an accurate headcount in a while lol

how are you?

Also holy shit you are so lucky, i so want to see hamilton

it's hella good, i would give you my ticket but like, idk where you live and you prolly couldn't make it to here in time for the matinee with the hell that is parking </3


Oh lord the theatre kids are everywhere then, huh. That’s amazing news though, hope you have fun
Also, that does sound kind of bad. I hope you get out of that soon.
I’ve never actually heard of that disorder though, but I won’t ask you to explain

Also I’m fine but Amber’s about to lose it so I’ve got to leave you all, nice meeting you Mezzo!

@TeamMezzo group

Oh lord the theatre kids are everywhere then, huh. That’s amazing news though, hope you have fun
Also, that does sound kind of bad. I hope you get out of that soon.
I’ve never actually heard of that disorder though, but I won’t ask you to explain

Also I’m fine but Amber’s about to lose it so I’ve got to leave you all, nice meeting you mezzo!

you can ask amber to explain DID if she's cool with that
amber plz don't kill emma she seems nice
cya emma!

Deleted user

Mezzo! My dude! I got you!
Assuming you have pants lol, perhaps don't tuck your shirt in, maybe add a nice belt, and perhaps wear a tie if you have one? I'm sure your father does if you don't.
Oh, and if you kind of side part your hair, that may help.

I realize that this is probably not the slightest bit helpful but I'm trying lol

thank you so much
i actually have to tuck in the shirt i'm wearing otherwise it looks weird lol, but a belt is useful, i'm stealing my brother's dress shoes, and also for whatever reason pulling my hair back a little sometimes helps, so i'm using bobbie pins to pull back one bit, my hair is short though so that helps
i'm not wearing a collared shirt so a tie is out of the question :(

Sounds nice though!
You're gonna be a fierce looking dude, love <3

Deleted user

For some reason I had a dream last night that I was on this chat with, like, Dom and Emi I think?? And we were making slightly sexual jokes about Zeus??