forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

My cat is great. She tries to eat everything in my room and cries when she wants to be picked up so she can look out the front windows (they have curtains that she can't move out of the way). Other than that, she's pretty quiet. Most of the doors in our house don't click shut so she just pushes through whenever she wants. She's particularly fond of doing this to the bathroom when I go in the morning

@saor_illust school

i just got reminded of a memory i don't want to face today, i don't want to ever face it again but i can't help it right now, i just really need a distraction… halp

@saor_illust school

they smol
they floofy
big floof (well at least my cat is big floof (and mir's cat i think))
lots of purr
very cute meows
plus they fun to play with :D

@saor_illust school

only one, sadly
but she means the world to me and i would die for her
and OH if this stupid coronavirus goes away before summer i might still be able to get a kitten! me 'n my dad are thinking about getting a kitten from my aunt's bf's place 'cause he has a lot of un-neutered feral cats

@Pickles group

I think we're getting a kitten once my current cat gets old. But I'll have moved out by then :( but after college I'll be able to get all the cats

@Pickles group

Callie. With at least three different spellings. We got her from a shelter I think about a year and a half ago. She's black and white and adorable

Deleted user

i have a kitty too, and she loves new people, as in if you stayed over at my house she would curl up and sleep with you.

@Pickles group

I come back after who knows how long and now I'm jealous. I want a c a t. Or a k i t t e n

I want a kitten that stays smol forever