forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

Ugh, I'm on mine, and I've ruined my fave jeans and two pairs of leggings via unreliable tampons, so I feel your pain.


I actually have never ruined pants or anything on my period? at least not that I can remember. usually it's stuff like pajama pants or bedsheets rip


I said to my 14 year old friend, "Mood swings SUCK." and she's like, "You're too young."

And I wanted to yell at her, "I am on my period, and I have depression, so suck it."

But we were playing kickball, and I had to pretend to try to catch the ball.


I was like, the slowest kid in my youth group, (this dude walked super slow and i was legit a fingertip away from catching him, but i didnt hardly try and i regret it), so thank gosh there's a slower kid now.


I used to get weirdly nice on my period? like I would be a complete asshole right before and right after but during it I was a complete saint

but piss me off once during my period and hooooooo boyyy