forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

sometimes my period will skip a couple weeks, but never miss an entire month.
but there's other stuff that happens for w couple weeks after so

Deleted user

Hey clairvoyance, what's your profile pic? It looks like a drawing but I can't tell…


my cat is the worst
I have a tortilla and she keeps following me around licking her chops
sorry I just thought I'd share, I'm v bored

If my cat ever sees me with anything in my hand, he thinks it's food and he starts yowling. Like the whole house can hear it


so i'm on my period. i have cramps. i have an on-and-off headache. and i'm also sick. which means i'm throwing up. and i have to stay home from school today.
today could not get any worse.
at least archenemies comes out today

Deleted user


big fat freakign mood right there

in other news, i finally got tested for anxiety and got a 47/50 so there's that . i dunno if thats good or bad

Deleted user

hmm, it might be different for anxiety and depression though. my mom is taking me to somewhere to get a better test so i guess i'll find out