forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

@HighPockets group

I feel really bad for people who got it at school

I got mine at school…..and my mom was teaching religious ed so she was gone all evening until like 9…..

Deleted user

So it's set in the 90's, Leslie (Red Shoes) and Elijah (comedy relief) are dating, it's all that and a bag of chips. Leslie is still super popular and friends with everyone like in the original, blah blah. The friend, dubbed 'Erica', is here as well, and deems Leslie trustworthy enough of a secret:
She's pregnant.
With an alien.
THAT'S RIGHT MY DUDES, WITH AN ALIEN. So the aliens want to take over the world so they've chosen Erica and a couple more young girls as hosts for their kids so that the alien children will have no trouble taking over the world once they're on it. Now, obviously this is a little extreme for Leslie and she starts hallucinating, lucid dreaming, going a little wack. She thinks her pet chamaeleon is talking to her, etc. Now here's where it gets fun.
Erica, unlike the other girls, knows what's happening and is trying her hardest to resist, and so the aliens have injected her (?????) with some weird thingy that takes control of her brain and makes her hurt herself and others. Leslie and Elijah try their hardest to help but it's simply no use, trying to solve the mystery of how to stop the aliens.
Then, three weeks before the aliens are due to enter the world, the three hatch a plan. A nasty 'lil plan. They're going to hitchhike onto a NASA spaceship/thingy (I haven't done my 90's research yet) and visit the alien's headquarters.
They barely survive the trip, but when they do they learn that the aliens are exceedingly powerful and have taken over every other planet in the universe. The only thing keeping them from earth is its ozone layer, which is why they chose Erica and the other girls as hosts instead. So, Elijah is the real hero of the day and unplugs the weird injection thing and then they manage to brainwash one of the alien doctors to take the alien out of Erica. They come to the nasty decision that they must kill the other girls in order to save the earth, so with great regret, they do it. Then they go back but get no awards because it's the 90's and people don't believe them and Elijah goes to an asylum but comes back 15 years later to marry Leslie.