forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


ugh mine are hella heavy and last a full week but then sometimes it'll be like "hey remember me" and pop up again like a week later for a day or two


I remeber when mine first started showing up, I was in like sixth grade. I THOUGHT I WAS DYING. And I didn't want to tell anyone or else they'd freak out. Y'know, cause I was dying. But my mom found out and had my sister explain it to me XD. She was awkward as heck.


I don't really get the entire thing about how when you get your period it means you're a woman?? Like, not everyone who gets their period is female and there are women who don't get periods? There's like this entire thing that "female = vaginas/periods" and it just never made sense to me because while most women do get their periods not all do and I just feel like having breasts/vaginas/uteruses/periods shouldn't be the same thing as being a woman


Women who don't get periods?

I mean trans women. Like, my friend Amber is a girl, but she was born in the wrong body so she doesn't get a period or have a vagina