forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


I just hate how uneven mine are. Like, maybe once in the middle of the month, then in the beginning of the next month, then at the end of the SAME month, LIKE CHOOSE A SCHEDULE DAMNIT

Deleted user

I don't know
I got an MRI last week and thought I was on my period
Thank the stars I wasn't

Deleted user

my life is just a constant mess…. its like im always sufferinggggg

Deleted user

There’s always something in the way, even when you’re leaving.


I was sitting in chem class today trying to figure out where all the blood comes from. Then I was trying to think how much comes out during your lifetime. Then I thought probably enough to create another person. ENOUGH TO CREATE ANOTHER PERSON. That’s what it’s supposed to do. I felt so stupid…

Deleted user

I hate my parents rn… Last night I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and the shoulders are a little roomy so my undershirt straps are visible….My dad comes up to me and readjusts my shirt…THEY FORCED ME TO WEAR SOMETHING THAT SHOWED MY CHEST BUT SHOULDERS AND BRA STRAPS OH GOD SHEILD YOUR EYES BACK OFF SATAN THIS IS A CHURCH!!!!!

Deleted user

lmao all I wear is t-shirts and hoodies so I don't have that problem


@Mojack group

i know there's actually some women who bleed so much on their periods they feel like passing out
that hasn't happened to me before but it's a big possible OOF for it to happen to some people

I'm going to look at getting birth control soon anywho