forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

he rides tonight
with the ghosts
the ghouls
and the dead
(the dead?!?)/(did he say dead??!)
he rides tonight
in the hollow
looking for a head

Deleted user

So at Conner Prairie interactive history park, I work there, we do a program called headless horseman. while people are waiting in the que line for the hayride, we dress up in historical costume and dance and act all cheery before 8:00, after that we sing that song every five minutes and for the rest we just kinda act creepy.


I hate it when people who don't get periods compare it all to being kicked in the balls because it's just like?? no?? Getting kicked in the balls will cause you some pain, sure, but being on your period is literally SO MUCH WORSE

@HighPockets group

I hate it when people who don't get periods compare it all to being kicked in the balls because it's just like?? no?? Getting kicked in the balls will cause you some pain, sure, but being on your period is literally SO MUCH WORSE

And like….getting kicked in the balls is like a one or two time thing. Periods happen every single month, unless you're pregnant, for like 40ish years. So yeah, 40 years of monthly periods compared to being kicked in the balls once or twice?? I'd choose the kick over the period.

Deleted user

Bro relating to balls (lol) yesterday the band was in a marching block waiting to get started in the parade, and a guy tried to punch me, so I ducked down and feigned a very close attack to his balls with my flute and he flinched away and I couldn’t stop laughing oml

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

I hate it when people who don't get periods compare it all to being kicked in the balls because it's just like?? no?? Getting kicked in the balls will cause you some pain, sure, but being on your period is literally SO MUCH WORSE

And like….getting kicked in the balls is like a one or two time thing. Periods happen every single month, unless you're pregnant, for like 40ish years. So yeah, 40 years of monthly periods compared to being kicked in the balls once or twice?? I'd choose the kick over the period.

Honestly same. I'd rather get kicked than lose a lot of blood every month for the next couple decades. That would be way less painful compared to the constant, most of the time, excruciating pain in your abdomen during a period.

@HighPockets group

I hate it when people who don't get periods compare it all to being kicked in the balls because it's just like?? no?? Getting kicked in the balls will cause you some pain, sure, but being on your period is literally SO MUCH WORSE

And like….getting kicked in the balls is like a one or two time thing. Periods happen every single month, unless you're pregnant, for like 40ish years. So yeah, 40 years of monthly periods compared to being kicked in the balls once or twice?? I'd choose the kick over the period.

Honestly same. I'd rather get kicked than lose a lot of blood every month for the next couple decades. That would be way less painful compared to the constant, most of the time, excruciating pain in your abdomen during a period.
