forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Lucky, I can’t take pain killers because of the medicine I’m on for my ADHD.

Deleted user

I just found a brief history of chopsticks on the side of my chopstick wrapper.

Y'know, just in case you want a little bit of history with your dumplings.

Nice, at least your eating. I have no food left because I have all of my food to Emi. I got to be a normal kid and wait for lunch cries inside.


I just found a brief history of chopsticks on the side of my chopstick wrapper.

Y'know, just in case you want a little bit of history with your dumplings.

Nice, at least your eating. I have no food left because I have all of my food to Emi. I got to be a normal kid and wait for lunch cries inside.

I'm not eating.

I'm sure Emi appreciates it :)

Deleted user

And it sucks because the long lasting cramps goes through the family I guess, because my mom and grandmother have it the same way, so does my sisters. Except my siblings last only 5 days, and they don’t have it after. LUCKY ASSHOLES. I’m also triggered today because my bitchy sister decided to run her mouth how she is so special and does more shit then anyone when she sits on her ass all day on her phone watching YouTube videos! I do whatever my parents ask because I don’t like when they are upset, my sister almost made my grandmother go into physco grandma mode and she cussed her out. My grand mother was like “EXSCUSE ME YOUNGE LADY YOU BETTER LOSE THE ATTITUDE!”
And then my sister said, “you have no room to talk old lady! You don’t do anything!”
My grandmother was so close to choke slamming her through a table and said, “YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP THIS IS MY FUCKING HOUSE!!”
I was trying to comfort my grandmother because I didn’t want anyone getting hurt, then I told my mom so she gets to have my mom be a triggered women. And my mom is on her period, and I woke her up early, so she’s extra triggered.
Rip my sister because she’s a bitch.

Deleted user

this fuckin guy is hitting my desk and it’s making my back hurt



And it sucks because the long lasting cramps goes through the family I guess, because my mom and grandmother have it the same way, so does my sisters. Except my siblings last only 5 days, and they don’t have it after. LUCKY ASSHOLES. I’m also triggered today because my bitchy sister decided to run her mouth how she is so special and does more shit then anyone when she sits on her ass all day on her phone watching YouTube videos! I do whatever my parents ask because I don’t like when they are upset, my sister almost made my grandmother go into physco grandma mode and she cussed her out. My grand mother was like “EXSCUSE ME YOUNGE LADY YOU BETTER LOSE THE ATTITUDE!”
And then my sister said, “you have no room to talk old lady! You don’t do anything!”
My grandmother was so close to choke slamming her through a table and said, “YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP THIS IS MY FUCKING HOUSE!!”
I was trying to comfort my grandmother because I didn’t want anyone getting hurt, then I told my mom so she gets to have my mom be a triggered women. And my mom is on her period, and I woke her up early, so she’s extra triggered.
Rip my sister because she’s a bitch.

We are officially twins.

I do so much crap at my house, and my sister legit Googles her school answers. My parents get mad at me for going on Notebook. WELL EXCUSE ME. I HAVE CONCENTRATION ISSUES AND DEPRESSION, SO I CANT EXACTLY FIND MO-TI-VA-TION, EXCUSE ME!