forum Pen Pals!
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people_alt 60 followers

Deleted user

reed get postcards and send me them

I will
Gotta write your adress in my sketchbook so I don't forget it

@saor_illust school

ooh okay so I realize I didn't actually talk to people about getting their addresses so that's an oopsie on my part-

also just because I've written these bad boys doesn't mean I have to send them so if you just don't want it or if you don't wanna deal with parents and stuff, that's chill

and yes! izzy I do indeed have a spicy little letter for you!!
please don't mind my awkward slang thing
i also have one for you, ella but I know I might not be able to send it so don't worry about it~

I have more and honestly if you want a letter just say the word and I'll use my super zesty letter writing skills

definitely won't mind it at all!
gonna pm you my address now

Deleted user

I will
Gotta write your adress in my sketchbook so I don't forget it


@Milani eco

Does anybody want to be my penpal? I am fond of books, mainly dystopian, and I write cool letters aha. I am not that experienced, but I really enjoy it and I would love to have a penpal for myself!

@saor_illust school

i'd be interested, although i'd prefer a bit of banter or at least a general getting to know you better perhaps in the pms before i give out my address
if you understand, i barely know you, and i at least know atlas 'nd aft a lil bit

@Milani eco

i'd be interested, although i'd prefer a bit of banter or at least a general getting to know you better perhaps in the pms before i give out my address
if you understand, i barely know you, and i at least know atlas 'nd aft a lil bit

im fine with that! message me :)

Deleted user

Reviving this chat because 1. I made it on my old account 2. I am now an avid letter writer with a few penpals and 3. the other day I was at a museum and they had five postcards for a dollar, let's just enjoy that for a second–