forum Pen Pals!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 60 followers

Deleted user

B i r b s !!!
I have everything hung up behind my desk!!

Deleted user

I also put on lipstick just to kiss the bottom of Reed's letter so all of you better appreciate my aesthetics


i want a penpal just for an excuse to doodle all over the empty space of the letters using art supplies i don't get enough chances to play around with
oh and polymer clay cats
i wasn't kidding about wanting to make and send itty bitty charms of your cats

Deleted user

honestly if any of you guys sent me anything I would c r y

same tho

i have a soft spot for things like these, i wouldn't know how to handle myself


i'd probably just hug the thing unmoving for 20 minutes like i did when holding my chinchildren for the first time
then i'd cry
then i'd put it on my Special Shelf to be cherished forever

Deleted user

I have the actual letter and a cute little painting they did that says 'glad to BEE your penpal!' in a box where I keep letters, photos and cards. Then the shark teeth and little rose charm are on my altar, and the sticker that says 'Witch Bitch' is on the wall next to it.

Deleted user

i wanna do it too but i feel like other people think im shady 😂
and i dont blame them


i don’t know who’d be safe to ask regarding my parents, so i’ll have to ask y’all questions
what state do you live in, how old are you, and on a scale from 1 to 10, how disgusted would a stereotypical gen x good Christian conservative homeschool mom of 7 highly sheltered kids be if she found your social media?


That's totally understandable and stuff and I'm really willing to answer "background questions" if it means more friends! (also I'm loonneellyyyy and wanna not internet talk with everyone cuz that's all anyone can do and i don't love it)

Deleted user

i don’t know who’d be safe to ask regarding my parents, so i’ll have to ask y’all questions
what state do you live in, how old are you, and on a scale from 1 to 10, how disgusted would a stereotypical gen x good Christian conservative homeschool mom of 7 highly sheltered kids be if she found your social media?

North Carolina
the only social media i got is discord now cause ive basically disconnected from everything
my snapchat, my instagram, twitter, facebook, ect
im planning on detoxing from the internet so yeah

i mean, if any of you guys wanna ask me more stuff i'll be happy to answer


(big mood there fren, i may be used to being lonely but that doesn’t mean i don’t hate every minute of it)

bro exactlyyy
I actually do like alone time but being stuck at home with family is not equal to alone time and is in no way comparable
I hate feeling lonely thoo
There's a difference between feeling lonely and being alone and people just don't get it sometimes

Deleted user

I've only received Red's addy.

I would be more than happy to send bizarre gifts to all of you.