forum Pen Pals!
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people_alt 60 followers

@saor_illust school

Weren't you on my really old list? I don't remember, but I had a list on this thread somewhere, a small list, but it was of people I wanted to be penpals with for sure.

Deleted user

Listen, I have extreme amounts of art supplies and like hell if I'm not using them every time.
Last time was watercolors. this time it's calligraphy pens

Reed's watercolor skills are impressive.

Deleted user

Listen, I have extreme amounts of art supplies and like hell if I'm not using them every time.
Last time was watercolors. this time it's calligraphy pens

Reed's watercolor skills are impressive.

The bee I sent you was Not Good and I will send you a better watercolor later. for now you get markers

Deleted user

Listen, I have extreme amounts of art supplies and like hell if I'm not using them every time.
Last time was watercolors. this time it's calligraphy pens

Reed's watercolor skills are impressive.

The bee I sent you was Not Good and I will send you a better watercolor later. for now you get markers

Yes it is, it's so cuteeeee. I'm excited :))

Deleted user

Every time I paint bees it goes horribly but I let them live for the puns

Deleted user

okay i just spent the entire eleven minutes and forty four seconds watching that
and i kinda wanna go that over the top when i receive atlas' letter and write back
but i dont have enough stuff
i haven't been prepared for this ;-;

Last message for today but Ive got this vintage brown with a grunge black aesthetic
So be prepared :')

Deleted user

That video has really set the bar high for the next letter I write lmao

@Moxie group

Who wants to be my penpal when I move away to college in like four months?
Cause this sounds super fun but my mom would not be on board

@saor_illust school

Who wants to be my penpal when I move away to college in like four months?
Cause this sounds super fun but my mom would not be on board


@Moxie group

Also Ella, don’t worry, your mom would be totally fine with my social media. I could give it to you if you it would help your case

Deleted user

Oh Mir, you should b e getting your letter soon, ntw

Deleted user

@RedTheHopeless looks like everyone can find stamps but us XD

@The-Magician group

I want to send something to someone just for the sake of sending something. I don’t even want anything in return, I just like sending letters


o yeah stamps
my sister’s still sending out packages so I think(?) we might still have some

it won’t matter though cause i likely won’t have a chance to talk to my parents until we sit down and figure out the commissions thing, which I’ve been asking them about every day for weeks and still nothing’s happened, and then if i try to bring up penpal-ing it’ll be asking too much at once, and they’ll put it off until i give up, as usual.


If I can’t talk to them but find the stamps location I might still be able to mail y’all things secretly, you just can’t mail me back or I’ll be busted