forum Pen Pals!
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people_alt 60 followers

@saor_illust school

i don’t know who’d be safe to ask regarding my parents, so i’ll have to ask y’all questions
what state do you live in, how old are you, and on a scale from 1 to 10, how disgusted would a stereotypical gen x good Christian conservative homeschool mom of 7 highly sheltered kids be if she found your social media?

bleh, i rlly wanna do this with ya so-
i have no idea. legit i only have instagram, and that's 'bout it, besides discord, and idek what that one post i have on ig is. oh yea- i have those memories. eh, they're mostly filled with fun and wacky stuff ive found


i don’t know who’d be safe to ask regarding my parents, so i’ll have to ask y’all questions
what state do you live in, how old are you, and on a scale from 1 to 10, how disgusted would a stereotypical gen x good Christian conservative homeschool mom of 7 highly sheltered kids be if she found your social media?

oh I didn't even answer these
Uhh depending on which account she sees but even then, there's not much besides some LGBT stuff I think

@saor_illust school

n e ways, i dont even remember who i asked for penpals besides red, and pickles (who sadly couldn't do it)
so all now who wish to be my penpal

yeah, ive got the approval from my parents, so i can do this

Deleted user

oh, i think that you wanted to be my penpal? i'd still be up for it if ya want


alright, i think you would probably be the safest bean to start with-
maybe once i’ve started mailing you stuff my mom will get more comfortable with it and i can penpal more of you without a heck ton of background checks and discord calls to prove you aren’t a robot.

I’ll try to ask her about it either today or tomorrow

(Edit: was talking about iz)

Deleted user

I saw a cute pen pal video so now I'm re-writing Mir's letter to be more aesthetic


oh shoot i forgot about this-
I’ve been bugging my mom a lot recently about commission sheets and other art things so I think I’ll have to put it off until next week

@saor_illust school

okay i just spent the entire eleven minutes and forty four seconds watching that
and i kinda wanna go that over the top when i receive atlas' letter and write back
but i dont have enough stuff
i haven't been prepared for this ;-;

@saor_illust school

oh shoot i forgot about this-
I’ve been bugging my mom a lot recently about commission sheets and other art things so I think I’ll have to put it off until next week

that's okay ella! take your time, i dont mind

Deleted user

I saw a cute pen pal video so now I'm re-writing Mir's letter to be more aesthetic


Deleted user

I use my typewriter for Reed's. Pretty coooool.


Be prepared for doodles of bubbles, some ink splatters, and possible fan art all along the corners
Oh and embossed flowers cause I got modeling paste and by golly i’m gonna use it whether it makes sense or not

Deleted user

Listen, I have extreme amounts of art supplies and like hell if I'm not using them every time.
Last time was watercolors. this time it's calligraphy pens