forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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“Ha. Mommy, that lady’s got a big butt in those neenon (neon) green pants. I wonder if it’s hard to poop.” “I mean, her shoes are pretty cool…”
“Today at the pool, we saw a lady with one of those swimming suits that’s literally just a string of fabric between the cheeks, and a tiny triangle to cover the front. Her son came up and smacked her bare butt.”
“THAT’S WHO SHE horrible, juicy, squeak kissing noises WITH? SHE’S NOT EVEN FOURTEEN-”
“Paint my butt…cherry red…like the butts that you left.” “I have no valid reasons to be laughing as hard as I currently am at the moment, but I’m just going to go with it.”
“Oh no. It sounds like you have some artichoke trauma.”
“PISTACHIO GELATO!” “What is it with you and pistachio gelato?! That’s your first time having anything pistachio or gelato!”
“I HAVE A NEW CHICKEN RECRUIT!” “Ha, no you don’t.” “CLEMENTINE JOINED MEEEEE!” “No. They converted over to Entertainment Team while you were absent.” “…” “It’s still just you and Lemon.”
“He simply just has a very punchable face!”
“Wait, because me and Mrs. English Teacher are the only two in the classroom who have crooked pinkies and descend from Danish people, are we related?!” “Probably not. But if it helps you sleep at night, go ahead and keep believing that.”
“Those ladies choose to dress like underdressed demented peacocks, and get paid to do so?”
“Do you ever have that feeling where you have to poop, but like ✨aesthetically✨?”
“What are ways of transportation? Oh, Russell?” “By a bird!” “Like, ride on the back of the bird?” “You hold onto it’s legs and hope it flies!”
“Chicken, come up to the front of the stage and do your best Rafiki, “Nans Ingonya” opening scene!” “Ok! clears throat NAAAAAAAAAAaaaaAaAAAAaAAaAAAAAANSSSSSS INNNNGoOOOoOONYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BABA KIIIIIIIITSI YABOHHHHHH!” applause

@spacebluelily language

Jason looked up at him, his eyes full of regret. "I'm sorry, Nick. I truly am. But please, just listen to me now. I need you to know that I never stopped loving you," he said, his voice pleading.

(bawling my eyes out right now)

@spacebluelily language

Repeat to yourself that they're not really gone. Time has proven that fooling yourself into believing a lie is the most effective way to deal with things you have no control over.

Deleted user

Repeat to yourself that they're not really gone. Time has proven that fooling yourself into believing a lie is the most effective way to deal with things you have no control over.

i will try this

@Kanaroli group

In the first equation in the system of equations, y represents the money collected from selling sweatshirts. In the second equation, y represents the money spent to produce x sweatshirts with team logos on them for a professional sports league. What does the solution of the system represent in this context?

StartLayout Enlarged Left-Brace 1st Row y = 35 x 2nd Row y = negative 0.05 (x minus 400) squared + 9,942 EndLayout
the number of sweatshirts that generate the maximum income
the number of sweatshirts that generate the minimum cost
the number of sweatshirts for which the difference between cost and income is greatest.
the number of sweatshirts for which cost and income are equal


spoko: You know those things will kill you, right?
maddie, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
flora, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
raydon: Nods while eating raw cookie dough


Species: (Werewolf, Vampire, Siren, Gorgon, Seer, Human)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Age: (base this off of what role you have, children can go up to 17 but parents should be 30+ just cuz older queer folks living their best lives is the vibe we want, my dudes!!)
Gender Identity and Pronouns:
Role in family?: (Parent or child?)
Theme Song(s)?:

Deleted user

What is the evidence (give an overview of what it means)
◦ How does it impact our way of thinking about evolution?
◦ What contributions has it made to our understanding of evolution?
◦ Are there any recent advancements that have been made in this area of science?
◦ What are some examples of it?
◦ Where do we see this evidence?
◦ Did I include pictures and explanations?
◦ Is my presentation boring or will my class listen to me when I talk!?
◦ Am I helping my group today?