forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Kanaroli group

(1/31/22) What does it mean to be a hero? To be a hero is to sacrifice everything for nothing in return, you sacrifice your emotional state, mental state, and physical state for absolutely nothing in return. Take Peter Parker for example, he saves the city every single day for what? To be called a villain by the Daily Bugle, and think, in most iterations Peter is a high school student, that’s gotta have an effect on his grades and attendance. He sacrifices quite literally every aspect of his life for a city of ungrateful people, everyone in New York City turned on him the second they found out about his identity. Poor kid even continued to save the city after that, why? Because he felt like he had to continue or else everyone would hate him even more.

Deleted user

If I do, I will let you know. Theological debate is fun for me. Philosophical debate… don't get me started.

@flameazaleas fastfood

Bal tashchit is based on a relatively small collection of sources. The original
basis for it is biblical, although it is expanded by the rabbis far beyond the
original context of the Bible. Bal tashchit is considered to have its roots as a
halacha of the Bible, but to largely consist of prohibitions developed by the
rabbis. In order to understand the h.alachic precept, it is necessary to explore
both its biblical roots and its rabbinic interpretation.
The principle of bal tashchit originated in the attempt to explicate one specific
biblical passage from Deuteronomy, which describes what constitutes proper
behavior during time of war. I include two translations of the original Hebrew
in order to emphasize the difficulty in understanding the Hebrew verses and the
interpretative possibilities that emerge from the ambiguity of the text itself.

@flameazaleas fastfood

"Dying Mother, Embodied" (After Natalie Diaz)

My mother was once captivated. Was Arizona. Yellow-
quick overflow. Willing to make

 Anything she could grin-in a wild rush-
                      All the way to Colorado.

Now she is broken by three children
over one-thousand three-hundred and twenty miles,

backyards and minivans carrying
emptiness and sorrow

 in Nevada and Utah.

To spare her sickness, I moved her from her skeletoned desert rocks,
homed her in my heavens, restored her laughter-

 'Achii 'ahan, Mojave salmon,
                   Colorado Pikeminnow-

Right here she smiles, gilled with stars.
I see her now-

particle-small, cerulean-blue eyes,
                   moon-white stomach and chest-

Making her timid stuttered way through the evening hours,
turning the scratched hardwood floor into a carpet walk.

The blurred wake she drags as she makes her path
through my living room I call

'Achii 'ahan nyuunye-
                   Mojave for Milky Way.

Father once was up here, solaced in my guest-room,
before his failed attempt to escape it, bleeding nose wet

and crooked, lying on his back-
                   a prisoner dead or dreaming

of curing my mother's sneaky cancer with his kiss.
O, the weakness of any man

as he gives himself away to the universe
                   as a poison-filled body.

Just as Mother's own soul is dreamed to thirst
the sick-free days, the hundred-thousand light year roads

of the woman she once was.

(lol it's workshop day in my poetry class today, here's my submission

@squiddicus language

Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit serene,

I'll tell you how I became a hermit on Tatooine

In West Utapau fightin’ a war

On the battleground was where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out, maxin', lookin', all pretty

And all cuttin down Grievous outside of Pau City

When all of my clones got up to no good

Order 66 Started in the neighborhood

I got in one little fight and Yoda got scared

He said, "Go fight Anakin on a lava filled world"

@squiddicus language

elif topic == 'forms of expression':
topics2 = ['catholic church architecture', 'altar', 'lectern', 'sacred objects', 'art', 'sculptures', 'symbolism', 'drama', 'music']
answers2 = ['church is a house of prayer in which the eucharist is celebrated and the faithful assemble', 'table of the lord', 'word of god requires a suitable place', 'all the signs in the liturgical celebration are related to christ', 'bishops should see to the promotion of sacred art', 'art is a form of practical knowledge', 'the first and the last', 'god has gradually revealed himself to the world like a drama', 'hymns to praise god for his work']

key = list(zip(topics2, answers2))
s = sample(key, 9)
for i in s:
    user_answer = input('SOWA: ')
    if user_answer.lower() == i[1].lower():
        print('the right answer is', i)


“I hope the cat doesn’t stand up” yeah try telling that to a person recovering from breaking both their legs.

Kind rude now isn’t it?face_with_raised_eyebrowface_with_raised_eyebrowface_with_raised_eyebrow