forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Thank you for your patronage. The backpack graham character sustained me

@Pickles group

a muppet
you're a muppet! you're the perfect mix of sweet and mischievous, and there's nothing your little felt hands can't handle! you always find time to laugh, and someday you hope to reach the top shelf with your little muppety arms.

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"I Have The Tingle Thing. Just Not For Bread."

(please, dear citizen. I beg for but a crumb of context.)


@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

The first thing I noticed about this text in any major sense was just how succinct and to-the-point each passage was. It gave you a clear definition, an example or two, a conclusive thought, and sent you on your way after roughly half a page. This made the information I was given much easier to digest and since I had planned out time for what I thought was going to be a much longer reading, I had more than ample time to dwell upon what I was being taught in the text.

As for the text itself, I found this bit on exposition helpful: "sometimes it's not clear what exposition is necessary until after a first draft is complete and you've discovered the story you really want to tell" (Page 130). It's easy for me to get lost in the specifics of a story super early on and it's a helpful reminder that not everything has to be perfect or even complete in the first draft.

@Fenris-Wolf group

"I Have The Tingle Thing. Just Not For Bread."

(please, dear citizen. I beg for but a crumb of context.)



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James is the pinnacle of the show. He is the one and only reason I have even laid eyes on the likes of pokemon: the series. If it wasn't for James, I would have a darkened mind of the subject of such matters. His charming personality, absolute fabulousness, and gorgeous purple hair are what keep me going each day. Whenever i'm down, I always have the same hallucination of james slapping me across the face and telling me I can do it.

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

We get raw materials from nature, which goes to manufacturing. Goods that are made go to stores and are sold to consumers. Once the life of the product has ended, we trash it, and the product ends up in a landfill. This is not a sustainable cycle; rather, it is a single line that is inhospitable to sustainability. Think: is there a way in which to close this line off into a sustainable loop? How do we go from ending in a landfill to recycling back into raw goods for manufacturing? How do we go from “cradle to grave” to “cradle to cradle” (pg. 102-103)?

@Kanaroli group

I don't know which day we skipped, I’m lost

(01/18/22) I firmly believe

(01/19/22) My opinion on marriage

(01/20/22) The thing I love most is music. Music provides me an escape from reality, it allows me to daydream and be in scenarios with my favorite characters or have my oc’s in said scenario’s. Music can make one feel better, or sad, or angry, etc. and that’s why it’s so good, it can make you feel a flurry of emotions. Personally, I feel music might be going down in terms of quality, newer music does have more emotions out into it, but it’s all the same, nearly all male artists are singing about heartbreak about a girl, and nearly all female singers are singing about how they were betrayed and cheated on. I tend not to listen to newer generations' music as much as I do with older music.

(01/21/22) I wish my family would stop putting so much pressure on me, I already have so much pressure from other classes and work, and when I get home it gets so much worse, I wish they didn’t. I already have so much on my shoulders from helping around the house, to homework/schoolwork, to working to help make sure we stay afloat in case things go ary. I feel like it doubles when I remember I have to be a role model for my younger sister and help protect her, I feel like one day she might notice how badly I’m doing and try to take it upon herself to protect me, I can’t have her doing that because I did that for Michaela. I grew up too fast because of the pressure I had at a very young age because I was labeled as a “gifted kid,” all because I had a high school senior reading level in the 2nd grade and I was expected to be so great and now look at what all that pressure did to me. I want to just sit and relax or nap without someone bugging me every 2 seconds about homework or classwork. I just want a break.

(01/24/22) The words I want to live by are; wealth, spirit, and anarchy because that’s all I can live by. Wealth, for me and my family as we’re not doing well financially at the moment and it sucks. Spirit, because one needs it to keep going, if let it be smudged by people wanting you to conform to society, then where’s your fighting spirit to remain individual and special? And finally anarchy, since when has the government helped me? Since I could remember I’ve never felt safe leaving my house, going to school, hell even getting the goddamn mail. Why? The government hasn’t done anything to reduce gun violence, or allow female voices to be heard, or people of colors voices, or lgbtq+ voices and I’m sick of it. The government deserves to burn with all the corrupt politicians inside it.

(01/25/22) Do you want to be famous? Why or why not? I do, but not the way everyone else does, I wanna be a faceless twitch streamer/youtuber. I wanna do good and help people, even if it’s from behind a screen, I would donate my money to charities regularly and give back to the people that helped. Most consider it a pointless career, most don’t even consider it a career, but I’d still like to try it and create a loving community online all while concealing my identity. The main reason I wanna hide my face is simply because I don’t like how I look due to me most likely having BDD(Body Dysmorphic Disorder), so I’d like to conceal my face both for my friends and family’s protection but also so I’m comfortable and no one makes fun of how I look. I’ve already got a few ideas for character heads that I can wear, or just a mask and sunglasses, I don’t know I’m still working it through but I do know what my online alias would be! jadedFoxes, has a nice ring to it, don’t ya think?

(01/26/22) Wellness Wednesday


(01/28/22) Would you rather go back in the past or ahead into the future? Why? I would go ahead into the future, there's no use dwelling on the past, yes it would be nice to go into the past, you could see loved ones that you lost again, you could see old best friends before you lost touch, even old pets. Going to the past would be nice, believe me, I want to so bad to go back to when times were simpler and content creators weren’t getting dropped off the face of the earth, but we can’t keep clinging onto the past, we need to move forward to heal from the wounds we got from our childhood and learn from mistakes. The future may not hold much thanks to humans janking up the planet, but there’s a chance we could fix it or maybe technology will be more advanced and they’ve already found a solution, who knows but the future is a mystery. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. To quote Cornelius Robinson from Meet The Robinson’s; “Keep Moving Forward.”