forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@spacebluelily language

It was a regular Saturday afternoon at the Rosethorn Mansion. Roxanne was playing a board game with Kaira in the game room. Cluedo, to be exact. The girls picked it out a couple of hours ago and had finished, at the very least, fifty games. Isla was flipping through a math book in the living room. Another attempt at trying to be boring. She regretted touching the math book ten minutes after she sat down on the couch. Andy and Charley were chatting in the living room and occasionally would include Isla in their conversation. Ara was reading a book in the library, away from all the noise. On the table, there was a mug of hot chocolate and some papers scattered around. Anthony…well…he was nowhere to be found. He was most likely outside, annoying the neighbors. It was his favorite pastime.

The Rosethorn Mansion was an old victorian mansion created back in 1856 by Edward Rosethorn, as a wedding anniversary gift to his wife Amelia Rosethorn. The couple had been living in a standard house in West Sussex, until 1857, when they moved into the mansion. The mansion was sold in 1954 to a young sophisticated gentleman by Amelia’s and Edward’s great-grandchildren, due to money problems. And ever since that day, the mansion had a new owner. One that seemed to stay the same in appearance after all those decades…

Theodore was in his room, going through old things he had dumped into a cardboard box. After a while, he took out a portable tape recorder from the pile and smiled. Long ago, an old friend of his had given him the tape recorder. As a departing gift. Theodore had used it as a diary. He took a deep breath and turned it on.

@ClownB*tch eco

Yes, I like lots of different places
And nobody tells me it's a sin

But they say you are bad
Or perhaps you are mad
Or at least you should stay undercover
Your mind must be bare
If you would dare
To think you can love more than one lover