forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Spring group


ms = mapleshade
pk = petalkit
phk = patchkit
lk = larkkit

pk `` mama? ,,

ms `` hm? yes petalkit? ,,

pk `` can you tell us who and what we were named after again? I fell asleep after you said who I was named after! I missed the what I was named after part…. ,,

lk `` yeah! that's only because your such a sleepy-badger, petalkit! ,,

pk `` am not! ,,

lk `` y'uh huh! ,,

pk `` mama! larkkit says I'm a sleepy-badger! I don't wanna be a badger! badgers are stinky!! ,,

ms `` petalkit, you aren't a sleepy-badger. ,,

pk `` tell that to larkkit, he says otherwise! ,,

ms `` -sigh- larkkit, apologize to your sister. ,,

lk `` I was only having fun! ,,

ms `` larkkit. say your sorry. ,,

lk `` fiiiiine! ,,

ms `` thank you. ,,

lk `` petalkit, I guess you aren't a stinky sleepy-badger. ,,

ms `` that's much better, petalkit, do you accept his apology? ,,

pk `` mmmmhm! ,,

phk `` m-mama? aren't you going to tell us w-who and w-what we were named after…? , ,

ms `` oh! of course! how did I forget! that you for reminding me, patchkit, love. ,,

pk `` oh! oh! me first! I wanna know who I was named after!! ,,

ms `` -chuckles- alright, your first petalkit. ,,

lk `` I wanted to be first! ,,

ms `` you can be second then, larkkit. ,,

lk `` alright! ,,

ms `` alright, petalkit. you were named after several cats. my sister, my best friend in ThunderClan, and my RiverClan best friend. my sisters name was daisykit."

phk `` daisykit? why is she still a k-kit mama? isn't she a warrior like you now? o-or is she a medicine cat? ,,

ms `` -sad sigh- she's a strong StarClan warrior now….she died because some fox cubs got her… ,,

pk `` fox cubs?! those are dangerous momma! ,,

ms `` I know my love, but she was brave, strong and pretty, just like you my little warrior. ,,

pk `` wow! can you tell me about the other two cats I was named after!! ,,

ms `` of course, my RiverClan friend was named Petalfoot. I was still an apprentice when she was a warrior. she was pretty, she had a nice cream pelt like you. ,,

pk `` she sounds pretty! ,,

ms `` oh she was. the last cat you were named after, petalkit, was my mentor's daughter, Bloomheart's kit, Petal. she ran away to become a rogue because she fell in love with a a tom outside the clans. ,,

pk `` -mini gasp from petalkit- ,,

lk `` I thought rouges were bad, mom! ,,

ms `` most are, larkkit. but some are just as friendly as a clan cat. but if you ever see a rouge, be careful. you never know there true intentions. ,,

lk, phk, pk `` -all nod- ,,

ms `` alright, whos next? wasn't it larkkit? ,,

lk `` mmmhm! I wanna know who and what I was named after! ,,

ms `` -soft smile- mm, of course. lets see… well I named you off of a friend I had in ShadowClan. her name was Larkpaw. she was strong and quick, when i met her I thought she was a WindClan cat! she was so fast! ,,

lk `` she was really fast? how fast! ,,

ms `` she was almost as quick as the breeze on a windy day, and she had long legs, she was only 8 moons and yet she was a tall as Oakstar himself. ,,

lk `` really! woah… she sounds so cool! ,,

ms `` she was. she was a big of a bragger too. ,,

phk `` a b-bragger? what's that? it kinda sounds like a b-badger! ,,

ms `` oh no! don't worry my love, patchkit. She wasn't a badger. -she chuckles- she was a bragger, a bragger is a cat who tell people how proud they are of something, how much better it is. it's a little annoying but it isn't bad. ,,

phk `` -he slowly nods, huddling closer to mapleshade just in case- w-well, if i ever see a badger, i'll scare it away! n-nothing will hurt you then mama! ,,

ms `` -she purrs- of course, you'll scare all of the badger's away. ,,

lk `` i'll help too! i'll be the scariest cat ever! i'll make those badger's run away! ,,

pk `` don't forget me! i'll help to! ,,

ms `` -chuckles/purrs- alright, shh, you'll wake somecat up. ,,

phk `` sorry! ,,

lk `` yeah, sorry mom. ,,

pk `` I didn't mean to be to loud. ,,

ms `` it's alright. okay, let me continue. Larkpaw was made a warrior a while ago, I think her warrior name was Larkclaw. ,,

lk `` i like the name larkclaw! it sounds fierce! ,,

ms `` i'll make sure to tell Oakstar that. alright, patchkit, your turn. ,,

phk `` i-i'm excited! ,,

ms `` -smiles- alright, so you were named after your pelt, it looks exactly like mine and my parents both said that if i was a tom, they would've named me patchkit instead. but, I also named you after someone close to me. ,,

phk `` -he looks up excited- r-really? ,,

ms `` mmhmm,my grandpa, Patchthorn. He was a smart and wise tom.,,

phk `` r-really?,,

ms `` yes. He used to give me gifts all the time. He gave me a giant red feather. It was redder than my pelt. ,,

phk, pk, lk `` -they all look interested- ,,

ms `` and it was soft. I remember cuddling up close to it at night when I was cold. ,,

phk `` I want a red feather, mama! it sounds pretty! ,,

ms `` of course. i'll find you the biggest feather. ,,

pk `` me too! ,,

lk `` me three! ,,

ms `` of course my little loves. now go to sleep. I have something planned for you in the morning. ,,

lk `` aw..okay. ,,

pk `` but I wanna find a red feather! ,,

phk `` we can dream about it! ,,

ms `` -smiles- ,,

ms `` alright my little warriors. good night. ,,

phk `` good night mama. ,,

ms `` good night patchkit. ,,

I forgot about this– ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

the mother fooker in the shed is staring at me again ma! Just leave him be, Jimmy, he'll go away eventually! But ma!! Jimmy Henderson god damnit I already told you! Now, get in here before your food is cold!! Yes, ma…