forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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One day you’re walking around your neighborhood, when you find in the neighbors yard that you swear hates you, an open sketchbook with hand drawn sketches of you, and sweet words at the top of the page.

There is a gorgeous statue in the middle of the city, of a beautiful person. The legend that surrounds the statue is that it’s a person frozen in stone, and that once their true love touches their hands, the person will become unfrozen. For years this becomes a tourist hot spot, as people love holding the statues hands and taking cute pictures with it, until one day you walk up and hold the statues hands. Suddenly though the pedestal is empty there is a very confused person in your arms.

@spacebluelily language

The President’s Band, aka the Marine Band, was created by Thomas Jefferson during his presidency. Here they are, playing What’d I Miss in the lobby of the White House, as Jefferson, Burr and Madison dance around. Alex Lacamoire conducts. Enormous thanks to The White House and the Marine band for making this possible. Good luck with the lotto!

@spacebluelily language

One day you’re walking around your neighborhood, when you find in the neighbors yard that you swear hates you, an open sketchbook with hand drawn sketches of you, and sweet words at the top of the page.

There is a gorgeous statue in the middle of the city, of a beautiful person. The legend that surrounds the statue is that it’s a person frozen in stone, and that once their true love touches their hands, the person will become unfrozen. For years this becomes a tourist hot spot, as people love holding the statues hands and taking cute pictures with it, until one day you walk up and hold the statues hands. Suddenly though the pedestal is empty there is a very confused person in your arms.

(Interesting. . )

@itz_luna_eclipse15 fastfood

my HoMeWoRk
1) There is an indescribable force that governs all of nature, the world and the universe it is called the Tao

2) The Tao is “the Way,” one must follow the way of the Tao
3) One must give up all desires for wealth and power and follow the way of the Tao

4) One must be humble, quiet, and meditative so one can be in harmony with the Tao

@itz_luna_eclipse15 fastfood

One day you’re walking around your neighborhood, when you find in the neighbors yard that you swear hates you, an open sketchbook with hand drawn sketches of you, and sweet words at the top of the page.

There is a gorgeous statue in the middle of the city, of a beautiful person. The legend that surrounds the statue is that it’s a person frozen in stone, and that once their true love touches their hands, the person will become unfrozen. For years this becomes a tourist hot spot, as people love holding the statues hands and taking cute pictures with it, until one day you walk up and hold the statues hands. Suddenly though the pedestal is empty there is a very confused person in your arms.

tell me more


As the explosions rocked the world, Wild felt searing hot pain tear through his back. He landed on his stomach and rolled, stopping on his back. Dully, he noticed that the grass was on fire next to him. All around him, really. The edges of his world were getting dark and fuzzy. All he could hear was ringing, and his limbs felt like they had fused to the ground. His bow was too far away–scratch that, it was gone, snapped under a guardian's unrelenting stampede.

The last thing Wild saw before being consumed by blood and smoke once more was an explosion of golden light.