forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Mojack group

The man has a black top with cutoff sleeves, black pants, black shoes, black hair. The woman has a red top, black pants, and black hair. They like to call each other baby… sexually. They drive a black kuruma with a spoiler. Sometimes the man takes his shirt off and shows his tattoos which are also black.

@Mojack group

At long last, her reign would end. Or so they thought, as they shattered the glass, entering into the building. Led by none other than the famed one himself, the one who’d lived over a thousand lives. Rene, they called him - but who knows, that could’ve just been yet another coverup. Rene and his squad searched the level nearly dry: no one, present in any of the rooms. Ariadne, as most knew her by, was the subject of this raid. She was to be captured, and her Memoir extracted. Essentially killing her for the time being, only to be revived in a more convenient situation for questioning. Her crimes were many, and Rene was sure he didn’t know them all, but he knew enough and that was that.

As Rene stalked the dark hallway - although not alone - his mind drifted back to the time where he’d first joined SOTI, when he’d heard next to nothing about Ariadne and suddenly she was everything. Everyone and their mother knew all about her and her exploits. Some saw her as their leader, others forming a cult around her. Some saw the more sinister side of her more easily, however.
It was weird how one woman could end up in such a high place in a short amount of time. But no matter now - Rene had her in his grasp. All he needed now was to close in on her.

“There’s a heat signature up ahead. But..” The scratchy voice of Iwona tapped into the radio.

“But what?” Rene had whispered back, stopping at a door. Gold lined the doors around here, and upon further inspection, you could see designs imprinted into the walls. Although, Rene could not tell what any of them were of.

“Something or someone is interfering with my signal. Once you go into that room, you’re gonna go dark.”
Rene paused for a few moments, not responding right away. The only way that you could interfere with SOTI tech was if you had the access codes somehow. It didn’t make much sense to him…And that was the only way he even KNEW of. But there was the high possibility that Ariadne was right there, in that room. And - glancing out at the men and women that had followed him into this towering building - he had lots of backup. It was too far too turn back right now.

“Understood. Try to work on a way around it in the meantime, anyways.”
“I’ll try.” ‘I’ll try’ wasn’t a very good answer for Rene, but it was the only one he could accept right now. With a signal to one of the people near the door, Rene awaited for everyone to start moving again. There was a crash as the door flung open and right away, chaos seemed to break loose, but only for one side.
Behold, Ariadne herself. The woman smiled as calm as she could be, as she was presented to one of the squads of SOTI. Rifles were pointed at her from almost every direction aside from behind, in which there was a wall. Sitting up, Ariadne raised her hands and chuckled.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting this tonight. Certainly you could’ve scheduled this..properly?” Rene strolled into her line of sight. There were at least twenty SOTI members in the room, not including Rene himself. Plus more in the building.

Rene brought up MDD2, scanning Ariadne as the others held weapons on her. The woman tilted her head, still smiling. “It’s quite rude to barge in on another’s home and not even answer a question when given.”

‘Scan complete. Subject identified as- SCRIPT ERROR.’ Rene looked at the device, in slight confusion. It was rare for MDD to fail, much less MDD2. He had never seen this before..but with a glance to Aria - light blonde hair, blue eyes - he knew it was her. Being sure to forward the error to Iwona, Rene turned and waved four of the SOTI members off to the door and hallway.

“Isn’t this a..bit much? Just for one woman?”

“Silence.” His voice came out almost robotic, due to the helmet he’d been wearing. “You are under arrest. Come with me.”

Her smile ceased momentarily as she rolled her eyes. “Come on, what for? I’m an innocent businesswoman. There isn’t much I could’ve done.”

“Oktawiusz Rzepka would beg to disagree, if he were still alive. Found dead, Memoir extracted. Two of your workers weren't so careful in the getaway. They were kind enough to tell us the tale.”

“And you were kind enough to kill them, I suppose?” She smiled, closing her eyes.
“SOTI has them in custody.”
“A shame. Killing them would be a much better fate for the two of them.”
Rene was about to speak again when he’d heard static. Iwona? There wasn’t much he could hear.
“Iwona? The signal is still weak. I can’t understand you.”

“You should’ve been more careful.”
Turning to Ariadne, the woman lunged from the couch she’d sat on moments before and ran towards the SOTI operatives. But one should know, it was not wise to carry a stick that was too heavy for you. Ariadne, dead in seconds. It was so sudden that Rene barely had time to fire his gun. Deliberately, the SOTI operatives avoided her neck and head. They needed the Memoir in good condition.
Rene studied her for a moment as she lay, face down on the ground.

When one of his squadmates approached, Rene simply told her to extract the Memoir. Rene walked out of the room, preparing to call Iwona to tell her that they completed the job. The moment he walked out, though, Rene stiffened as Iwona spoke into the radio, almost frantically.
“No, no…no no no no!”
“What? What is it?” Rene attempted to keep his voice steady.
“I found the disruption…” She trailed off.
“It’s not just anyone. It’s Ariadne.”
“Well, she’s down, and we’re extracting her Memoir. It should be go-“
Rene winced as Iwona yelled.
“You don’t understand! She has no Memoir, she IS the disruption! I don’t know what she’s doing or how she got into the system, only that the heat signal I told you about before— it was never there!”
“Well, of course it’s not there, we just shot her.”
“No, I’m saying it wasn’t there to begin with. Ariadne is leading you into a trap! I don’t know what she is, but she’s not human!”
Not…human? “You’re saying she’s an animal or something?” Rene questioned.
“Maybe! But how many animals out there can become humans?”
Rene did not finish what he was saying as he heard something get impaled almost directly behind him. There was gunfire, yelling, and the noise of something else. Bones crushed, maybe? All Rene knew that when he turned, everyone who had been in the room was no longer alive. And there she was, Aria. In the middle of the room, almost floating like a limp puppet.
“Like I said, killing them was a much better fate. I thought you SOTI agents were smarter. Cunning. Deadly. But to be honest,” her form melted away into a more shadowy being, not so humanoid, “you are one of the more weaker ones I’ve fought.” Despite her form, she still had the same human voice as before.
Rene had no words.

“Rene? Rene, get out of the-“ Rene gasped out, gripping at his head as he was overcome by a sudden ringing. He slammed against the doorway.

Clicking her nonexistent tongue, the being seemed to tut at him. “Now, let’s get rid of that. Rene..Rene Noir. I wonder if that’s your original name, or if you’re like me - shedding skin after skin, name after name?”
Rene crouched against the wall, struggled to recover from his previous condition.
“Oh, and lookie here. It looks like they called you the one who’s lived a thousand lives. Wonder if I can make it 1001. Hah!” Of course, she was the only one who laughed. “Oh, come on now. Cheer up.” The being wrapped its tendrils around his arm, which he was now slumped against the wall. He had no idea why he was affected so much by the ringing. It was something more…

“I’m not going to crush or destroy your Memoir. I did for the rest of these men and women in this room, but come on. Let’s admit they weren’t worthy. Let’s admit they weren’t worthy of seeing a creature, a being of upmost perfection such as myself. Which is why it’s quite an honour, to be meeting me, in this room.”

She had no eyes. She had no mouth. She doesn’t even have a physical form. What is she what is she whatisshe whatisshe whatisshewhatisshewhatisshewh-

“A businesswoman, dear.” So numb, and from what? Her? She is not human. Something about her, altering the very surroundings..
“A businesswoman is what I have been, and always will be.” Her tendrils slip away, and she appears to turn away, floating to the other side of the room. For a moment, Rene seems to feel recovered. He takes this time to try and stand up.
“A businesswoman must secure her profit. Eliminate the competition and any possible threats..what would quality as a threat, now? Something that pressures my business. That scares away the customers. SOTI..A threat. It would make sense to get rid of you right now, to destroy your Memoir…so I don’t have to keep dealing with you. But,” she wraps one of her tendrils around a briefcase, “I like to play with my food before I eat it. So for now..”

He’d just about prepared to aim his gun, to fire into the void that hovered across from him.

“We’ll meet again, don’t worry.”

Like all of his fallen comrades, impalation was how Rene went. But instead, Rene didn’t die right away. Instead, he’d have enough time to look upon himself. To see a much longer, sharper tendril, pull out of his chest. Avoided the neck and head, avoided destroying the Memoir…

“I’m a businesswoman of her word.” The tendril absorber into her being as she began to shift again, this time into one of the SOTI operatives. Still carrying the briefcase, Aria looked down at Rene, before moving on, out of the room. Out of the building, and back into the city of Iquari.
It didn’t take long before Rene died, too.

And then, he was reborn.