forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

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Weed dildo

Thanks for the most cursed image ever :)

Deleted user

Weed dildo

Thanks for the most cursed image ever :)

I think that such romantic and drug indused imagery is a piece of art.

Deleted user

Weed dildo

Thanks for the most cursed image ever :)

I think that such romantic and drug indused imagery is a piece of art.

Maybe for you but
Ah forget it
Whatever boats your float

@Pickles group

Ah yes the octopi army, what are their names?

The blue one is you, the pink one is Xander, the green one is Ash, and the white one is Ella
That's all I have so far. I was working on Octomir, but I got distracted

@Pickles group

Weed dildo

Thanks for the most cursed image ever :)

I think that such romantic and drug indused imagery is a piece of art.

Maybe for you but
Ah forget it
Whatever boats your float


Deleted user

Weed dildo

Thanks for the most cursed image ever :)

I think that such romantic and drug indused imagery is a piece of art.

Maybe for you but
Ah forget it
Whatever boats your float


Hmm? What is so important about that statement?

Deleted user

(assuming the arrows were for my comment considering they're right below it)

Deleted user

(assuming the arrows were for my comment considering they're right below it)

(I agree with you)

(oh okay)
(i'm dumb today)
i got dumb bitchitis / i might even be a side chick / you take five hours i reply quick, 'cause i got dumb bitchitis

Deleted user

If you were a character in a Shakespeare play, someone would accidentally stab you through a curtain. And what’s more, he wouldn’t even feel that bad about it. I guess that’s just something that happens when you eavesdrop on the prince of Denmark while he’s in the midst of a downward spiral.

Deleted user

If you were a character in a Shakespeare play, someone would accidentally stab you through a curtain. And what’s more, he wouldn’t even feel that bad about it. I guess that’s just something that happens when you eavesdrop on the prince of Denmark while he’s in the midst of a downward spiral.

I saw that

Deleted user

Awkward macarena dancing cult

I am interested

You must only do it when people, especially basic white girls and dudes who play their rap to loud, play music you hate. You stand there. And. Macarana. We also do it when a situation we don't like being in is happening. An alternative dance is whipping and nay naying and the sprinkler. Anything to kill vibes.

@saor_illust school

The long-tem effects of sleep deprivation are real, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Not only does it put your physical health at risk, but it also drains your mental abilities. Which reminds me, Shadow, you should go to sleep!

Chronic insomnia can disupt how your body generally sends information. Your central nervous system plays a central role in the control of most bodily functions, including awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, and memory. During sleep, bridges form between nerve cells in your brain, to help you remember new information you may have learned. Sleep deprivation leaves your brain exhausted and tired, so it’s unable to perform its duties at peak performance.

According to a scholarly paper, overall sleep deprivation strongly impairs human functioning. For example, it negatively affects your mental abilities and emotional state. You’re more likely to feel impatient, and will probably be prone to mood swings. It can also compromise decision making proccesses and creativity. In addition, you may also find it more difficult to concentrate or learn new things.

The psychological risks are real, they aren’t just figments of your imagination or things we make up to scare you into sleeping. Some of these risks include impulsive behaviour, anxiety, depression, paranoia, and even suicidal thoughts. Microsleep is another side effect of prolonged sleep deprivation. During these episodes, you’ll fall asleep for a few seconds or minutes without realising it. Microsleep is out of your control, and makes you more prone to injury due to trips and falls.

If sleep deprivation continues long enough, you could start having hallucinations (sensory experiences that appear real but are created by your mind). Not only that, but after an extended period of time of having hallucinations, one can develop schizophrenia. This can be dangerous, as in extreme cases, one can present a harm to others and/or themselves.

(bleh yes this is the first part of an essay I wrote for a friend to that same friend, so that she would sleep. It didn't quite fit within Discord's character limit, so I had to split it up a bit)
(And yes it is a lie that the hallucinations can cause schizophrenia, it was just a white lie to get the friend to sleep. After, all, it couldn't really hurt anyone, right ?)

@Anemone eco

I’m so worried that I’m going to die alone without knowing what it’s like to be loved. I just want to hug someone again. At least I have my cat.
But I’m here, and you’re here, and I want you to know that if you’re reading this, while I may not know you and your name and your story, I’d give anything to hear it.