forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

Deleted user

(I feel like our aggression is rubbing off on Nie.)

@Mojack group

[september 3rd 2067]
[activity summary]

[initiating: production/main]

[june 11th 2070]
[activity summary]

[backup systems active]
[resuming protocol]

[march 6th 3098]
[activity summary]

[alert: supplies low]
[sending alert to HQ]
[alert: no signal detected]
[alert: backup power running low]
[terminating application: production]
[production terminated]
[power saving active]

[september 3rd 3100]
[activity summary]

[alert: power at 10%]
[am i alone?]
[where am i?]
[alert: intrusion detected]
[unable to initiate defences]
[alert: power at 9%]
[what happened?]

[september 4th 3100]
[activity summary]

[all processes terminated]
[alert: shutting down.]

@Pickles group

O skipls you
Glibstacth the plision
Ronchead, you proladle branciet
Or tid the beetleprom

When we tippletopped the prickle
I hated you from first ghistle
You are disnar baerm
I've seldom tub enoskime so satociem

Deleted user

Éstas son las mañanitas
que cantaba el rey David.
Hoy por ser día de tu santo
te las cantamos a ti.
Despierta, mi bien, despierta;
mira que ya amaneció.
Ya los pajaritos cantan;