Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
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I slept horribly, disturbing dreams with changing faces in wrong contexts filling my head and waking me up every other hour.

@spacebluelily language
Elizabeth sat behind the table and tapped her fingers on the hard and cold wood. She had made sure that the workers had cleaned the castle, which they had. The castle was spotless, well almost. Before Elizabeth made her way to the dinning room she had checked in with the cooks and entering the kitchen she could see the humongous mess inside.
“Were ever could my sister be? I swear if she’s still in bed, she’ll be in so much trouble.” She slammed a fist into the wood, making the nearest servant flinch. Elizabeth looked straight at the servant and scowled. “What are you looking at‽” The servant looked away from Elizabeth. “N-Nothing, Princess Elizabeth.” She silently growled at the servant and dismissed her from the dining room.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

@spacebluelily language
(Yes Indeed.)
Deleted user

@saor_illust school

@spacebluelily language

@spacebluelily language

@spacebluelily language

@spacebluelily language

@spacebluelily language

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Deleted user
(Totally, you copy and paste some gorgeous art)

@spacebluelily language
(Yes, it is very gorgeous indeed. It makes me completely dumbfounded whenever i see gorgeous art.)
Deleted user

( @TotallyNotWednesday-Is-A-Clueless-Potato V e r y a e s t h e t i c)


@Kanaroli group

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
I see you have good taste.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
My theme song tho:

@TeamMezzo group
“The Help” by Kathryn Stockett was an okay book. I feel like there’s not any other way to phrase it besides “okay”. To me, it was hard to find lovability in most of the characters and some of the plot dragged on longer than it could have. I don’t find her writing style the most appealing, either. However, I cannot deny a wonderful concept when I see it, and this book has a concept that needed to be written. I think, maybe, if some other writer at written it, I would have liked the book a lot more.
The book starts out in August of 1962, where Aibileen Clark is working in Elizabeth Leefolt’s household. Elizabeth’s got a two-year-old daughter named Mae Mobley that Aibileen is practically raising. In comes my first issue: the development of the plot through Aibileen. I think that Aibileen was a static character. I noticed very little change in her character, and it felt like a hindrance to the plot.