forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@Peter_Duende language

Please pray for me. I'm expecting a callback within the next two hours for a possible job. Please pray that I will be able to speak clearly/eloquently, and that I will be thankful for whatever happens. Thank you.

[This is no longer true (I just got the job literally 15 minutes ago), but it's the last thing I copy-pasted.]

Deleted user

(So this is from my latest story and no one will be able to read it since it is in swedish but it was the last thing I copied… I will try to translate it to english but it’s not gonna sound as good as it does in swedish.)

Just när saker äntligen börjar lösa sig så går de åt skogen igen. Typiskt.

Nej, jag skämtar faktiskt bara. Jag är sen till skolan, det är allt.

Imorse… jag vet inte. Jag var bara så jävla trött. Jag ignorerade väckarklockan. Mamma kom in tjugo minuter innan jag skulle vara där och informerade mig om denna tidsbrist, vilket ledde till där jag är nu. Halvspringandes över skolgården med mobilen i högsta hugg samtidigt som jag försöker läsa alla nya meddelanden. Just idag verkar det som om alla fått för sig att messa mig. Typiskt.

Det finns egentligen bara ett mess som jag bryr mig om. Det kommer från Robin, och det får mig att med bultande hjärta stanna mitt på fotbollsplanen bara för att läsa vad han skriver igen. Jag kan inte fatta det, men det gör mig så jävla glad.

English translation:

Right when things seem to finally solve themselves, everything fucks up again. It’s typical.

No, I’m actually just kidding. I am late for school, that’s all.

This morning… I don’t know. I was just so freaking tired. I ignored my alarm. Mom came in to my room about twenty minutes before I was supposed to be in school and informed me that I was late, which led to where I am right now. Running across the school yard with my phone in my hand, trying to read all new messages. It seems like everyone is texting me today, and I really don’t have time for that right now. Typical.

There’s actually only one text that I care about. It’s from Robin. I stop halfway through the schools football field just to read what he texted me all over again, with my heart pounding in my chest. I can’t believe what he says, but it makes me so fucking happy.

@Mojack group

“Why isn’t it talking? Does it not know how?” He’d ask. I’d watch them, held back by the metal arms that clasped around my neck and body. I’d not know their names. Neither did I care. I planned to get out of this..prison.
“Oh,” the leader, I identified, walked towards the bars of the cage. “It knows how. The question is if it knows how to speak our language.”
“Why don’t we electrocute the thing? That’ll get something out of it.”
“Probably not. If it survived being hit by one of the Hunters point blank, electrocution will be just like us blowing air at its face. Which will most likely annoy it.”
Smart, this one is. I stayed silent, which I could smell, irked some of the humans off. I could see why. Face to face with a giant beast, only held back by some technology. I blinked, slowly.
“I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t decided to escape yet. On the topic of getting it to talk..why can’t we use another specimen? We’ll just..gas this one.”
I narrow my eyes, letting out a guttural, low growl for the first time in the 12 hours I had been there. All beings in the room seemed to tense, but for one; though they all turned towards me.
Your language,” I hiss, “is beneath me. I know your language. I have lived on this planet, in this plane of existence for millions of years, and believe me, I have had time to learn it all.
“So it speaks?”
Why, I couldn’t tell.” I rolled my eyes, lips curled back in revealing my teeth. “You are lucky. I choose to speak your language, in your presence. But you will not get anything too valuable from me. I am just a messenger for him.
The leader looked into my cage, staring me in the eyes. I will admit, I admire his bravery. For that, I waited for what he had to say.
“A messenger for who?”
He, who ends all. The end of time, the one from the depths of this planet, Nuq.
“Nuq? Who is this Nuq?”
Did I not tell you? The end of time. His wingspan is so great it spans over several mountains. A single flap would be catastrophic. His breath is strong enough to even send the strongest of hurricanes and tornados away. His roar could rupture the very crust of the earth.
I shake at the metal arms around me. “Even then, Nuq is only an apprentice to The Red Mountain. And even I do not know if he exists or not. But if he does,” I sniffed, grinning in a non-human way. “Then you should all just accept your fates.

@TeamMezzo group

Usual Outfit:
Cutest habit:
• Color:
• Book:
• Animal:
• Item:
• Place to be:
• Season:
• Number:
• Weather:
• Word:
Theme Song:

@kittycalyx group

“It’s not really from, like, self-destructive stuff. Right?”
She laughed. “Nah. Kinda the opposite.”
Aria cocked her head. “Elaborate.”
“Well, Cam and I have been friends since we were little, and in eighth level, our class read this book where these two guys do a blood oath so they can be brethren or whatever. We thought that sounded cool as fuck, so we locked ourselves in his room with a pocket knife. I cut my forearm, he cut his finger, and we pressed them together until we decided it’d been long enough.
“Our parents saw the cuts and asked what happened, and they weren’t too happy that we were playing with knives,” she chuckled, “but they thought it was cute how much we love each other. And now, whenever I look at my arm, I remember that day.” She rubbed her thumb over the small patch of skin. “I don’t know what I’ll do if we don’t get him back.”
Placing a hand on Scorpa’s shoulder, Aria assured, “We will.”


that i think is one of the most intriguing things. Life is so short there is no meaning. We all wish there was more time, corrrect? When life is eternal, there is no meaning to live, just as when life is short. Therefore i am forced to conclude that life is meaningless