forum lgbtq crew <3
Started by @jeffery-the-bunny- wc

people_alt 117 followers


(Waves from the shadows because I have been summoned…)
(I like myths as well, though I tend to research them as I go lol. I use them as inspiration sometimes)
(Fades back into the void…)

watches you want some mangos?

@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

(Waves from the shadows because I have been summoned…)
(I like myths as well, though I tend to research them as I go lol. I use them as inspiration sometimes)
(Fades back into the void…)

Hello there fellow writer who uses myths as inspiration!


(Waves from the shadows because I have been summoned…)
(I like myths as well, though I tend to research them as I go lol. I use them as inspiration sometimes)
(Fades back into the void…)

Hello there fellow writer who uses myths as inspiration!

drags my patron god into its corner You've seen nothing

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

I don't tend to say I'm a hermaphrodite since it leads to questions like if I got both parts does that mean I get that time of month

That’s because people are stupid/rude and don’t know how to use Google anymore. I’m not real familiar with using the term ‘intersex’ (I know the meaning. I’ve just never used the term), but that’s probably because I, personally, research the biological sides of things and go with the scientific names.

Personally, I’d say be proud of it. You’re unique, in that you possess a genetic quirk that makes you different from the norm (for example, I have webbed feet and what is commonly called ‘toe thumbs’ [AKA, Brachydactyly Type D, if you want to be nerdy lmao]). And, if people have a problem with that, that’s their problem because they’re more than likely too stupid to pick up a book, or look up Google, and read.

Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m gonna vanish now lol…

That was the first time hearing this thanks also webbed feet make you a faster swimmer. Nerds are cool

hey, real quick tho
have you considered that perhaps you are simply decedents of shapeshifters and merfolk respectively?


I don't tend to say I'm a hermaphrodite since it leads to questions like if I got both parts does that mean I get that time of month

That’s because people are stupid/rude and don’t know how to use Google anymore. I’m not real familiar with using the term ‘intersex’ (I know the meaning. I’ve just never used the term), but that’s probably because I, personally, research the biological sides of things and go with the scientific names.

Personally, I’d say be proud of it. You’re unique, in that you possess a genetic quirk that makes you different from the norm (for example, I have webbed feet and what is commonly called ‘toe thumbs’ [AKA, Brachydactyly Type D, if you want to be nerdy lmao]). And, if people have a problem with that, that’s their problem because they’re more than likely too stupid to pick up a book, or look up Google, and read.

Anyway, that’s just my two cents. I’m gonna vanish now lol…

That was the first time hearing this thanks also webbed feet make you a faster swimmer. Nerds are cool

hey, real quick tho
have you considered that perhaps you are simply decedents of shapeshifters and merfolk respectively?

me or the cool snake person? if it's me I dunno in ancient Greece I would've been two things decedent of Hermaphroditus, or cursed by the gods.


hey, real quick tho
have you considered that perhaps you are simply decedents of shapeshifters and merfolk respectively?

There are endless possibilities

spawns in from my homework prison

Health class does not help me at all

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

hey, real quick tho
have you considered that perhaps you are simply decedents of shapeshifters and merfolk respectively?

me or the cool snake person? if it's me I dunno in ancient Greece I would've been two things decedent of Hermaphroditus, or cursed by the gods.

both of y'all, and anyone else with genetic quirks lol


hey, real quick tho
have you considered that perhaps you are simply decedents of shapeshifters and merfolk respectively?

me or the cool snake person? if it's me I dunno in ancient Greece I would've been two things decedent of Hermaphroditus, or cursed by the gods.

both of y'all, and anyone else with genetic quirks lol

my genetic quirk is being both genders physically it makes shopping and going to bathrooms in public hard. Also my doctor let me skip school so I avoid my crush's questions about me that's a plus.


Late to the funky genetics convo but I have astigmatism, which isn’t nearly as interesting but I can see the angels in the car headlights which is neat!

why did I'mmmmmmmmmmmmm BLIIIIIIINNNNNNNNDDDDDDEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDD BBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TTTHHHHEEEEEEEE LLIIIIGGGGHHHHHHTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS pop into my head I got the flu… I blame the sick kid that had to choose to sit next to me in class monday

@Eli-the-transboi group

how is u

at this moment I'm sipping on a mango monster energy while eating Oreos. pfft- also am very VERY tired. I used most of my spoons on doing tests for my credit recovery class.


@Dayzed local_movies

how is u

at this moment I'm sipping on a mango monster energy while eating Oreos. pfft- also am very VERY tired. I used most of my spoons on doing tests for my credit recovery class.


that is a WILD combo 😭 but also an energy drink sounds tasty right about now XD
i felt the tired tho, same man sameeee

spoons ? I'm guessing that's meant to mean something but i dont quite have enough brain cells for that XD
but I'm also very tired and have slightly lost my mind from bordeom but uhhh never better…